Playstation is released
In Japan December 3, 1994 the Playstation was released by Sony Interactive Entertainment. This was the first gaming console released by Sony. Later in September 9, 1995 the Playstation was released in North America -
Playstation 2 is released
After the success of the Playstation with over 75 million consoles sold there was a lot of anticipation for the Playstation 2. The Playstation 2 was released in Japan on March 4, 2000. Then released in North America in October 6, 2000. The Playstation 2 is the most sold gaming console with about 155 million units sold. The Playstation 2had backwards compatibility with the Playstation . -
Playstation Slim is released
Playstation Slim was the first Playstation out of many that would have a slimmer version. The Playstation Slim was more portable than the original Playstation. The Playstation Slim also had an updated graphic user interface. -
Playstation 2 Slimline is released
The Playstation 2 was released September 13, 2004. This was the second Slim version of a Playstation console. The Playstation 2 Slimline was quieter and included a built in Ethernet port. -
Playstation 3 is released
In Japan on November 11, 2006 Sony released the Playstation 3. The Playstion 3 was competing against Nintendo's Wii and Microsoft's Xbox 360. It was later released in North America on November 18, 2006. The Playstation 3 introduced Wi-Fi connectivity. Additionally, the console also had a server called PlayStation Network, which allowed players to download games and use video-viewing apps. -
Playstation 3 slim is released
The Playsation 3 Slim was made because people complained about to bulkiness of the regular Playstation 3.The slim version is 1/3 times lighter and smaller than the original.It also consumed less power and ran cooler and quieter than the original model. It also introduced a new logo for Sony. -
Playstation 4 is released
The Playstation 4 is the latest Playstation model that is not a slim. It sold over 1 million within its first day making it the most sold console in one day.The Playstation 4 also introduced the ability to upload and share gameplay clips.