• Nitrocellulose

    Formula: (C6H9(NO2)O5)n
    Other names we can use are : cellulose nitrate, flash paper, flash cotton, guncotton, pyroxylin and flash string
    It states as a liquid gelatinous and colorless or yellow lightly; or a solid similar to the cotton
    We used it to elaborate explosives, rocket propellant, paints, lacquer,varnish, or as a principal subtract
  • Celluloid


    It's a bipolymer, and it's formed exclusively by glucose molecules that's why is an homopolysaccharide. And it is the most abundant organic biomolecule because it forms the majority part of the earth's biomass
    We used it to make paper and clothes of natural fibres; explosives, artificial silk, varnish and as a thermal and acoustic insulation
  • Rayon

    It is the first manufactured fibre, in addition it's a fibre really versatile and it has the same properties in terms of wearing comfortable and it can imitate the touch ofother types of fibres
    We used it to textile preparing, decorating, industrial function, like surgical material; or other uses, like the women hygiene
  • Bakelite

    Formula: (C6-H6-O.C-H2-O)x
    It's the first full synthetic plastic substance, and it is one of the first synthetic polymers thermosetting as we know. It isn't an electric conductor, and it is resistant to the water and solvent
    We used it for cover of mobile phones and radios, and as an electric insulation
  • Cellophane

    It's a natural polymer, it is derivative from the celluloid. It's characteristics are that is very flexible, it is transparent, is thin and is resistant to the attract effort forces.
    We used it for envelop and decorate presents or food and to elaborate adhesive tape
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

    Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
    Formula: (C2H3Cl)n
    It's the result of polymerisation of the monomer (vinyl chloride), it's the most versatile plastic derivative. It can be produced by four different processes: suspension, emulsion, mass and solution. It has really good electrical resistance and flame
    We used it for make PVC wind turbine, plastisol, PVC clothing, PVC flooring and to corrugated tubing
  • Neoprene

    Neoprene is called polychloroprene too, is a family of synthetic rubbers that are produced by polymerization of chloroprene. It has
    good chemical stability and maintains flexibility over a wide range of temperatures
    We used it in a wide variety of applications, such as laptop sleeves, braces, electrical insulation, elastomeric membranes, and car fan belts
  • Nylon and neoprene

    Nylon and neoprene
    Nylon is a synthetic polymer that is into the group of polyamides. It is an elastic and resistant textile fibre
    We used it for fishing lines and nets, zippers for textiles, synthetic strings for guitar, piano and other instruments; Fan blades, gears, screws and bearings for machinery or automobile gasoline tanks.
  • Polyethylene

    Formula: (C2H4)n
    It is chemically the simplest polymer, this polymer can be produced by different polymerization processes, such as free radical polymerization, anionic polymerization, ion coordination polymerization or cationic polymerization
    We used it to make bags of all types, like supermarkets, boutiques; covering of ditches; automatic packaging of food and industrial products, transparent film, the base for disposable diapers and more things
  • Teflon

    Formula: (C2F4)n
    Its real name is Polytetrafluoroethylene, is a polymer similar to polyethene. It's inert, and it does not react with other chemical substances in very exceptional situations, it has good impermeability, flexibility and insulates the electricity
    We used it for lining, articulated parts, prosthesis, wire and condensates lining, etc...
  • Tupperware

  • Kevlar

    Kevlar is a heat-resistant and strong synthetic fibre, related to other aramids. It has many good properties like stiffness, resistance, elongation, tenacity; it melts between 240 and 480 Celsius
    We used it for protection like cryogenics, sports like equipment, music for drumheads, motor vehicles for brakes, electricity generation, etc...
  • Polyester amides

    Polyester amides