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Planes Through the Ages

  • 1903 The Wright Brothers

    1903 The Wright Brothers
    In 1903 the Wright Brothers Make the first recorded powered plane
  • 1924 Aerial Agriculture was First Used

    1924 Aerial Agriculture was First Used
    This is used to water and fertilize plants just by flying above them
  • 1927 The First Flight Across The Atlantic

    1927 The First Flight Across The Atlantic
    Charles Lindbergh flew solo across the Atlantic non-stop
  • 1930 The first Jet engine is made

    1930 The first Jet engine is made
    Frank Whittle created the first jet engine
  • 1947 Airplanes become faster than the speed of sound

    1947 Airplanes become faster than the speed of sound
    Charles Yeager flies the first plane faster than the speed of sound
  • 1970 First Boeing 747 Commercial Flight

    1970 First Boeing 747 Commercial Flight
    The Boeing 747 is the first commercial flight
  • Eurofighter Typhoon

    Eurofighter Typhoon
    This military plane has a top speed of 1,550 mph. That's almost 3 times a Boeing 747!
  • Now

    The plane is now one of the most common modes of transportation