plains people

  • Plains people prior to contact

    Plains people prior to contact
    The first nation people hunt before the european people. The buffalo was the most important animal for them and they use part of animal for food, clothing, shelter and tools there were a large group of first nation to hunt the buffalo.
  • European fur trade

    European fur trade
    In the 1800s more newcomers move west to farm in. Also they occupied that the land was the buffalo herds roamed. They kill many buffalo to keep them graszing on their land. They sell fire harm wich help to hunt the buffalo and live there body there. The European settlement, farming, fireams, and the railroad drove the buffalo popullation on the prairies to the near extinction. With the near extinction the buffalo and the traditional way of life the plain people could not longer be sustained.
  • The European arive to expand settlement in 1850-1890

    The European arive to expand settlement in 1850-1890
    The unwriter constitution non as the great law peace insured the all people including women particitipated in the government will be treated equally and also guarantie the freedom of spech and right of individual. During the time power belong to uper class headed the rol people was simpley to obeys the leaders. Most people in Europ that they had an idea the all people are equal.
  • Effects still experience today

    European and Canadian practices and polosys made it so that many first nation communitys and people lost their sense of identity. Many fist nation people also lost their self asteam has well do the Canadian and European polocys and practises. American of the plains