Plagiarism Detection Work Group Formed
The work group was formed during the October 3, 2011 ATA meeting. The chair was elected and a tentative membership proposed. -
Request Membership in Work Group
Sent an email to people who were suggested to serve on work group. -
Period: to
Collect usage data from TurnItIn Vendor
Work with Maricopa's TurnItIn vendor to collect usage and effectiveness data. -
Work Group Meets
The work group members meet to discuss data collection and draft a faculty survey. -
Plagiarism Detection SharePoint site setup
Keli Cole set up a page for the work group to report progess in the IITG SharePoint site. -
RTC Asked for Input
The Regional Training Committee was asked to provide input on their colleges' use of plagiarism detection tools. -
Attemp to Collect SafeAssign Statistics
District personnel were contacted to determine if the group could collect SafeAssign statistics from Bb ASP. -
Begin Market Research
Group begins market research of available plagiarism detection tools. -
Faculty Survey Distributed
Survey distributed to faculty to request input on their use of plagiarism detection tools, their primary campus and their satisfaction with the tools used. -
LMIT Statement
The work group requests a statement from the LMIT on their official stance of a need/desire for plagiarism detection software. -
Request for Vendor Quotes
Procurement requests quotes from two vendors. -
eLAG Statement
The work group requests a statement from eLAG on their official stance of a need/desire for plagiarism detection software. -
Plagiarism Detection Work Group Report to ATA
Work Group ReportThe Plagiarism Detection Work Group sumitted its final report to ATA and ATA voted to move the proposal forward to IITGC. -
Discuss Librarian Representation on RFP
Spoke with a District librarian about ensuring someone from the Library Instructional Group is a part of the RFP, should the project move to RFP. -
IITGC Proposal Drafted
The plagiarism detection proposal is drafted. -
Meet to Discuss ROI/TCO
Meet with ATA members, Keli Cole and Jon Clark to discuss the proposals; receive more information about filling in the ROI and TCO worksheets. -
IITGC Proposal Finalized
The plagiarism detection proposal is finalized. -
Final proposal submitted to IITGC
Proposal submitted during the open call for proposals. -
No Cooperative Contracts
It is determined there are no cooperative contracts for plagiarism detection in the state, so if the proposal is approved we must go to RFP. -
Proposal presented to IITGC
Proposal presented to IITGC -
RFP Committee Formed
The RFP committee chair formed the RFP team. -
First RFP Team Meeting
The RFP team met for the first time to discuss the criteria and conditions to establish the RFP. -
RFP Committee Chair Change
Leadership of the RFP team changed to new team members. -
Draft RFP Approved by Committee
Committee members were asked to provide comments on the draft RFP. -
Requisition moved from ITS to Procurement
The requisition needed to release the RFP is finalized. -
RFP Finalized by Committee and Procurement
The details of the RFP, including the scoring rubric, are finalized and the RFP is ready to 'hit the streets' for vendor submissions. -
RFP Submissions Due
All vendors interested in submitting a repsonse to the RFP must due so by January 8. -
RFP Team Evaluates Submissions
RFP Team is given the proposals to review and rate; work due by January 18. -
RFP Team Unanimous for Selected Vendor
RFP team makes unanimous choice for selected product. -
Final Negotiations
Procurement is asked to enter final negotiations with selected vendor. -
Move forward with purchase
Procurement is asked to move forward with the purchase of the selected vendor. -
Turnitin Awarded!
Turnitin received their notice of reward from Procurement. -
MCCD Communication
District communication released about the award and future implementation plans. -
Conference Call with Turnitin
A conference call among procurement, Turnitin and ATA to address the PO and implementation. -
Procurement given final pricing schedule
Procurement provided with final pricing schedule and options for award. -
Turnitin Provides Pricing Agreement to Procurement
Turnint provided the pricing agreement, which is to be sent to District Legal by Procurement as soon as the requisition is updated to reflect the pricing schedule. -
Request for Implementation Team Members
Colleges were asked to send their best forward to participate in the implementation team. -
Implementation Team Members Finalized
Team membership is finalized. -
Turnitin Administrators Identified
College Turnitin administrators are identified. -
Implementation Team Initial Meeting
The Turnitin Implementation Team meets. -
Approval of Funds Received
The implementation team is notified the funds for purchase of the product were approved. -
Purchase Order Issued
The PO was issued to Turnitin. -
PO Received/Accounts Created
Turnitin received the PO and college administrators accounts are created. -
Second Implementation Team Meeting
The implementation team meets again to address ongoing questions. -
VCAA asked to send MCCD Communication
Dr. Harper-Marinick is asked to send communications about Turnitin availability. -
Turnitin Added to Canvas College Sub-accounts
Canvas administrators add Turnitin to their college sub-accounts. -
Conference Call with Turnitin for Free Webinar
Turnitin offers MCCD free training - this is a call to discuss the logistics. -
All Faculty Announcement
Dr. Harper-Marinick sends communications about Turnitin availability to MCCD faculty. -
All MCCD Announcement
DO ITS sends communication to all Maricopa about Turnitin availability. -
Turnitin Webinar
Turnitin provides free webinar training to MCCD. -
Implementation Closed
Plagiarism Detection implementation project closed.