Pixel Art Rachel Cabrera P.8

  • Pixel Art Was Created

    In the 1960s, pixel art became to be and pixel art was mostly used to create graphics and was not really considered art.
  • Period: to

    Video Games Were The First Pixel Art

    Video games were the first instance to have pixel art and were known for their retro style pixels. Pixel art was mostly used in video games and the first game to have pixels was Space Invaders which came out in 1978.
  • Pixel Art In Video Games

    Pixel Art In Video Games
    Many games in the 1970s-1990s had pixel art due to 3D animation not being made yet. Video games first started as pixels then evolved into 3D. Retro games had been popular with their pixel graphics and were known to have the first pixel art.
  • The Name Was Adopted

    The Name Was Adopted
    The name was not adapted until Adele Goldberge and Robert Felagal published it in 1982.
  • Famous Pixel Art Artists

    Famous Pixel Art Artists
    One of the most famous pixel art artists is Ivan Dixon known for many pixel art and animations such as some that appeared in Adult Swim about the show, Rick and Morty.