Ada Lovelace
She was a British mathematician and writer -
Reynold johnson
A long-time employee of IBM, Johnson is said to be the "father" of the disk drive -
Alan turing
Was a pioneering British computer scientist, mathematician, logician -
Jean Bartik
InfoWas Born December 27, 1924 and died march 23,2011 and was a programmer for the ENIAC which was the fastest computer know too man -
Jeab Sammet
Born May 23 1928 and died at the age of 87. She was a american computer scientist and developed Formac language -
Leonard Kleinrock
American engineer and computer scientist -
Abhay Bhushan
contributor to the development of the Internet TCP/IP -
Gary thuerk
Date of birth is unknow but he was the inventor of spam -
Steve Jobs
Born Feb 24 1955 Steve jobs was the creator of the company called "apple" he made lots of inventions but died of Cancer on October 5, 2011 -
James Gosling
Info Born on may 19 1955 and is still alive. He is know for his work for Java and is called "father of Java" -