
Pilot-Transportation Operations

By 8786cgh
  • Before planes

    Before planes
    Before planes some people got around by hot air balloons. The first one to be flown was by a man named François Laurent.
  • Shortest Flight

    Shortest Flight
    The shortest flight was also the first flight flown by the Wright brothers. it only lasted 12 seconds.
  • First Pilot

    First Pilot
    The first pilot was Orville Wright him and his brother invented and flew the first plane.
  • First Plane flown

    First Plane flown
    The first plane flown was a powered aircraft called Kitty Hawks.
  • First person to die in a plane crash

    First person to die in a plane crash
    The first plane crash was made by Thomas Etholen Selfridge. He was a passenger in one of Orville Wrights planes.
  • Fist Passenger Plane

    Fist Passenger Plane
    The First Passenger Plane was the Ilya Muromets. It took 16 passengers and flew 14 hours and 38 minutes. It was just a demonstration flight.
  • First All-Metal Plane

    First All-Metal Plane
    The first plane made out of metal was one made by the German Junkers.
  • First Woman to fly a Plane

    First Woman to fly a Plane
    The first woman to fly a plane was Amelia Earhart. She flew her own plane which she called "The Canary". She flew her plane over 14,000 feet which was the world altitude for female pilots.
  • First plane Bought

    First plane Bought
    The first plane bought was by a man named Charles Lindbergh. He bought it for 25,000
  • First Fast Plane

    First Fast Plane
    The Airliner Pioneer was the first fast plane which could travel up to 200 mph.
  • First Jet

    First Jet
    The First jet was the turbojet fighter plane. It was involved in WW2.
  • Fastest Plane Today

    Fastest Plane Today
    The Fastest Plane in the world right now is the North America X-15. it can go a maximum of 7,200 km/h
  • Pilot Salaires

    Pilot Salaires
    Pilots used to just fly for fun so they didn't really make any money off of it but now that it is a real job pilots make between 30K-200K.
  • Pilot Education

    Pilot Education
    When you would fly a plane in the past as along as you knew how to fly and had attended college you were ok, but now you have to at least attended a 2 year college of some sort.
  • Pilot Workplace

    Pilot Workplace
    The workplace for pilots hasn't really changed over the years. They just fly in the airplanes to the destinations. They also can work at any time they are needed and the work can be stressful.
  • Most recent plane made

    Most recent plane made
    The most recent plane made was the A321neo it will hold up to 240 passengers
  • How they are made

    How they are made
    Airplanes used to be made of wood and some other kind of metals. Today most airplanes are made out of aluminum to insure that they are strong yet very light weight for easy travel.
  • Luxury Planes

    Luxury Planes
    Back then planes were just meant for flying but now they are meant for a relaxing time on the plane. They are so nice that one plane ticket is around 12,000.
  • Airplane amounts

    Airplane amounts
    There are about 39,000 planes in the world. Before now there were not even half as much but over time they have become more popular and increase in numbers
  • Biggest Airplane

    Biggest Airplane
    The biggest airplane on record is the Antonov AN-225. It is approximately 640 tons.