

  • Discovery of eletricity

    The discovery of eletricity was made by Benjamin Franklin, with his kite-flying experiments. To prove that lightning was electricity, he flew a kite during a thunderstorm. He tied a metal key to the kite string to conduct the electricity. Then, electricity from the storm clouds transferred to the kite and electricity flowed down the string and gave him a shock.
  • Conventional current

    Benjamin Franklin created this concept via experiments were he was able to collect "positive" and "negative" charges which became the common naming convention or conventional current flow.
  • Coulomb law

    The Coulomb Law was published by Charles de Coulomb, and he stabilished that the force between two charged particles, regarded as point charges Q1 and Q2 a distance d apart, is proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This law was essencial for the advances in the eletricity studies in physics.
  • Magnetic field

    Hans Christian Oersted discovered that a current flowing through a wire would move a compass needle placed beside it. This showed that an electric current produced a magnetic field.
  • Magnetic force

    Hans Christian Oersted discovered that an an electric current generates a magnetic force.
  • Ohm's Laws

    Georg Simon Ohm created the Ohm Laws, that is a description of the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance. The 1st law says that the intensity of the electric current in conduction materials is proportional to the potencial difference applied in the material. The 2nd Ohm Law says that the resistance in a conductor wire is proportional to their size and inversally proportional to their transversal area.
  • Electric field concept

    The concept of electric field was discovered by Michael Faraday electric field, as being a property that describes the space that surrounds electrically charged particles, and this electric field exerts a force on other electrically charged objects.
  • Kirchhoff Laws

    Gustav Kirchhoff created two circuit laws: The 1st says that the sum of a current into a junction is equal to the sum of the current away from the junction. The second one states that in a complete circuit loop, the sum of the potencial differences in the loop is equal to zero.
  • Real current

    JJ Thomson discovered the electron, and this way he discovered the fact that current flowed from the negative pole of a power supply to the positive pole of a power supply.
  • Right hand rule

    The right hand rule is a method used to find out the direction of the magnetic force on a moving charge and it was invented by John Ambrose Fleming in the late 19th century.
  • Left Hand Rule

    Invented by John Ambrose Fleming in the late 19th century in order to discover the direction of a magnetic force.
  • Components of a circuit

    Kilby and Noyce are credited for the discovery of the first working integrated circuit.