Physical Therapy Timeline

  • The Start of Physical Therapy

    Physical therapy was first started in the early 1900's. It was used to help people recover from poliomyelitis. It was also used to provide aid and rehabilitate soldiers in World War 1. Physical therapy started to progress when aids used equipment to treat injured soldiers.
  • The First Physical Therapy Association

    In 1921, Mary McMillan formed the first physical therapy association called the American Women's Physical Therapeutic Association (AWPT). She also became the first president of the association. Mary McMillan wrote the first textbook by a physical therapist, called "Massage and Therapeutic Exercise".
  • Education Requirement in 1936

    In 1936, students only needed two years of education to practice physical therapy.
  • The Start of University Education

    In 1940, physical therapy educational programs changed from being taught in the hospital, to being taught at universities. This is an important new beginning in the education of physical therapists.
  • The House of Delegates

    In 1944, the American Physiotherapy Association, which used to be called the American Women's Physical Therapeutic Association, began the branch called the House of Delegates. The House of Delegates has the ability to amend or appeal bylaws.
  • Physical Therapists in Hospitals

    The Hospital Survey and Construction Act of 1946 led to an increase in hospital practice for PT's.
  • The APA Name Change

    In 1947, the House of Delegates voted to change the association’s name for the final time from the American Physiotherapy Association to the American Physical Therapy Association.
  • From a Technician to a Practitioner

    In the 1950's, the role of a physical therapist changed from that of a technician to a practitioner.
  • Education Requirement in the 1960's

    In the 1960's, education requirements increased to a four year bachelor's degree.
  • Education Requirement in the 1990's

    In the 1990's, the education requirements to become a physical therapist increased to a Master's degree.
  • Expanding Job Opportunities

    In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities. That opened job opportunities to many people. The National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research also led to new opportunities for practice.
  • Works Cited pt.1

    Nguyen, H. (2021, December 9). The evolution of physical therapy: Tria blog. HealthPartners Blog. Retrieved September 19, 2022, from,education%20to%20practice%20physical%20therapy
  • Works Cited Pt.2

    Marilyn Moffat is professor of physical therapy. (n.d.). The history of physical therapy practice in the United... : Journal of Physical Therapy Education. LWW. Retrieved September 19, 2022, from
  • Works Cited Pt.3

    100 milestones of physical therapy. APTA Centennial. (n.d.). Retrieved September 19, 2022, from