Physical science

Physical Science

  • Jan 1, 1564

    Galileo Galilei

    Performed fundamental observations, experiments, and mathematical analyses in astronomy and physics. He also developed the heliocentric theory.
  • Blaise Pascal

    Developed the Pascal's Theory which is when a pressure is asserted on a liquid it will be distrubuted equally throughout the liquid.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Developed Newton's Law of Gravity, he also invented calculus and theories of mechanics.
  • Daniel Bernoulli

    Developed Bernoulli's principle which is the fundementals dealing with how a fluid flows.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Developed the theroies behind electricity and found out and coined the terms behind positve charges and negative charges.
  • James Watt

    Developed theories of motor mechanics and made the modern condensing steam engine.
  • Thomas Young

    Study light and color and how they were influenced by the wave lengths of each color along with the wave and the nature of the light.
  • Hans Christian Oersted

    Developed that if a wire has a electric current in it, it can become and electromagnet and have a magnectic effect.
  • Sir David Brewster

    Made the kalideoscope and the radiants of colors he studied theories of how light effects the wave lengths of color.
  • Sadi Carnot

    Developed the scienece of thermodynamics.
  • Wilhelm E. Weber

    Developed the theory of electrical structure in matter, and worked in the field of electrodynamics.
  • James Prescott Joule

    Developed the joule and also the mechanical equivilant of heat.
  • Josef Stefan

    Studied radiation and effects on the body also a contributor in blackbody radiation studies.
  • James Dewar

    First scientist to liquify nitrogen, also invented the Dewer flask which is key in working with low temps.
  • Heinrich Hertz

    Developed radio waves as well as photoelectric effect.