Physical Education History and Significant Events

  • Early Beginnings

    Early Beginnings
    Colonist from Europe observe Native Americans playing games to substitute for war. These athletic events served as models for modern games such as lacrosse.
  • Religious Objections

    Religious beliefs limit the participation an opportunities for Puritan settlers. Pleasurable activities were thought to lead to eternal damnation.
  • PE begins to be incorperated into school curriculum.

    PE begins to be incorperated into school curriculum.
    Catherine Beecher- Director of the Hartford Female Seminary in Connecticut developed and instituted a program of physical education within the school's curriculum.
  • Invention of Baseball

    Invention of Baseball
    Baseball is created from a from the English sport of rounders. I would grow from humble origins to become "Americas pastime" for large portion of the 20th century.
  • YMCA Foundation

    YMCA Foundation
    The Young Men's Christian Association was founded in London in 1844. Luther Gilick had an large role in it's creation and served the company for over 15 years. He also designed the YMCA logo.
  • First Intercollegiate Sporting Event

    First Intercollegiate Sporting Event
    Yale and Harvard compete in a crew/rowing competition and this served as a model of success for subsequent events between schools.
  • Edward Hitchcock

    Edward Hitchcock
    Hitchcock was named the director of health and hygiene at Amhurst College. He used anthropomorphic measurements to evaluate progress. This sets a precedent for scientific method in the physical education field.
  • Foundation of the AAPE

    The Association for the Advancement of Physical Education was a precursor for organizations that ultimately became AAHPERD. The AAPE showed a further shift in advancements toward scientific progress in the field.
  • Invention of Basketball

    Dr. James Naismith invents a game that can be played with a peach basket. Much like baseball, the growth and business potential of modern day basketball all started from humble origins.
  • Thomas Denison Wood

    At a speech on the International Conference on Education, Wood presented a vision for a "new physical education" Wood was at the forefront of new developments and growth in the physical education field.
  • First Modern Olympics

    First Modern Olympics
    The first modern Olympics were held in Athens. Only males were allowed to compete in 28 events.
  • Clark Hetherington

    Clark Hetherington
    Also at the forefront of changes to the physical education regime and knowledge. Hetherington spread ideas concerning four objectives. These were fitness, skill, social and mental pillars.
  • First Doctorial Degrees

    The Teachers College of Columbia University and the New York University offered the first doctoral degrees in physical education.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The stock market crash of 1929 sent the country into a spiraling depression which set back many of the infrastructural gains made in previous years. Budgets and funding were slashed across the board for physical education programs.
  • Jesse Owens

    Jesse Owens
    Owens stood up to Hitler and Nazi Germany's ideas of the Aryan race at the 1936 Olympics. His four gold medals at the games undermined the Nazi "superior" race.
  • Youth Fitness Counsil Established

    President Eisenhower establishes the President's Council on Youth Fitness due to low scores on fitness tests. The importance of the nations government to take an active role promoting fitness is no small development.
  • The Federation of Sports Medicine

    Founded in in the mid 50's, the federation was established by 11 physicians and furthered the scientific and practical development of P.E as a science and profession.
  • Charles McCloy

    Charles McCloy
    Advocated for "education of the physical". Tied many previous ideas together such that physical education could incorperate games and competition with scientific gains in mental and physical fitness.
  • Special Olympics Founded

    Special Olympics Founded
    A direct result of the belief that individuals with disabilities would directly benefit from competition in sports. The Special Olympics provides such opportunities to this day.
  • "Kinesiology" becomes the norm

    The term kinesiology becomes mainstream to describe all aspects of the P.E field. The American Academy of Physical Education voted to change it's name to the American Academy of Kinesiology as the title of the discipline.