Physical Activities Time Line

  • Baby, 0-1 year

    Baby, 0-1 year
    • Crying
    • Waving arms and legs
    • Learning to crawl
  • Toddler, 1-3 years

    Toddler, 1-3 years
    • learnt to walk
    • chewed on my toys
    • Started climbing up on everything
  • Child, 3-8 years

    Child, 3-8 years
    • Playball (learning the basics of different team sports)
    • Gymnastics
    • Learnt to ride a bicycle
  • Adolescent, 8-16 years

    Adolescent, 8-16 years
    • Play hockey
    • Play soccer
    • Play rugby union
  • Young Adult, 16-25 years

    Young Adult, 16-25 years
    • Cricket
    • Basketball
    • Surfing
  • Adult, 25 - 55 years

    Adult, 25 - 55 years
    • Running
    • Work out in the gym
    • Tennis
  • Mature Adult, 55-70 years

    Mature Adult, 55-70 years
    • Golf
    • Lawn bowls
    • Aqua Aerobics
  • Old Age, 70-100 years

    Old Age, 70-100 years
    • Walking
    • Stretching
    • Swimming