Video Games throughout the years

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    Video Game Timeline

  • First Video Game Invented

    First Video Game Invented
    William Higinbotham created what he thought was the first video game. It was a very simple tennis game.
  • Spacewar

    It led MIT students to create one of the first groundbreaking computer games. It was called Spacewar. Steve Russell in collaboration with Martin Graetz and Wayne Wiitanen created the game.It wasn't meant to be released to the public because computers are to expensive at the time.
  • Pong

    After Magnovox's table Tennis Demonstration, Bushnell set to try to create an arcade version of the game Table Tennis. Him and Teddy Dabney formed Atari Inc. and released Pong that same year.They got the idea from Magnavox's Table Tennis. Pong was so good, Atari partnered with Sears, Roebuck and Company to produce a home version in 1975.
  • Atari

    Magnavox discontinued their video game line completely. Atari however, stayed afloat.
  • Nintendo NES

    Nintendo NES
    A small Japanese company proved opposite. Nintendo released it's Nintendo Entertainment System(NES).
  • Playstation

    The playstation was announced May 1991. The Playstation was released December 3, 1994, selling 100,00 units on the first day and 2,000,00 units after 6 months.
  • Xbox

    The Xbox sold 550,00 units in the first week. It was called direct X Xbox. It was pretty popular since it was one of the best consoles.
  • Minecraft

    Minecraft was the most sold Video game ever. There were 238,000,000 copies sold. It is sold for around 30 dollars. It has been popular for years and still is to this day
  • Xbox Series X

    Xbox Series X
    The Xbox Series X was released on November 10, selling for about $500.
  • Playstation 5

    Playstation 5
    The first PS5 trailer was released on June 11, 2020. The PS5 itself was released November 12 and was sold for $500.