
By Lugh16
  • Beginning sounds

    Beginning sounds
    We always start with teaching begnining sounds in order for you to develope sound recognitions in the beginning of each word.
  • Ending sounds

    Ending sounds
    After the beginning sounds we move to the ending sounds of a word. Tipically it is with only 3 syllable words. You need to identify the last sound.
  • Vowels

    After the ending sounds we go to identify each vowel letter.
  • Short Vowels

    Short Vowels
    The indentification of these sound are dificult. They have low sounds and vowels o and u have similar sounds. They usually go in between words.
  • Digraph

    Digraphs is the next step after teaching all of the previous themes. This is more dificult because it is two consontant that make only one word. Sh...Shoe
  • Long vowel sounds

    These vowel are easier, but can confuse you with the spelling of the word. These vowel usally say their name in its sound. A, E, I, O, U. They are usally two vowels in order to make the long vowel sound.