Phoenix College

By twphx
  • Joliet Community College

    First Community College - Extend high school classes for additional 2 years
  • Phoenix College Established

    Phoenix College Established
    Phoenix College was the first MCCD College
  • Job Training

    Started job training during Great Depression
  • Period: to

    Enrollment in 2 year college vs 4 year college

    26% of all college students in 1965 are enrolled in a 2 year college, and grows to 48% in 1992
  • Period: to

    Enrollment grows to 2.2 million

    The Baby Boomers become college age and the Vietnam War help enrollment grow from 1 million to 2.2 million.
  • Erollment 4.3 million

    Enrollment grows to 4.3 million students
  • Employer partnership

    The Nationwide Commission on the Future of Community Colleges recommends partnering with employers and making facilities available for workforce training.
  • 5.3 million students

    5.3 million students
    Student enrollment grows to 5.3 million students
  • 1,076 schools

    1,076 community colleges reached
  • PC/Apple Partnership

    Phoenix College partners with Apple to teach App coding courses.