Phoebe LaMay's Timeline

By phoebe_
  • Period: to

    Phoebe LaMay's Timeline

  • Get A Job

    Get A Job
    Start Saving Up Money For College
  • Graduate Highschool

    Graduate Highschool
    Finish Highschool
  • Enroll In College

    Enroll In College
    Try To Start College
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    I Will Graduate With An Associates Degree
  • Go Back To College

    Go Back To College
    Going To Get A Higher Degree (Bachelor's)
  • Buy An Apartment

    Buy An Apartment
    I Want To Try To Be Independent And Support Myself
  • Find A Job As An Ultrasound Technician

    Find A Job As An Ultrasound Technician
    This What Ive Always Wanted To Do
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    Graduate With Bachelor's Degree
  • Get Engaged

    Get Engaged
    Ive Always wanted To Find That Special Person
  • Have An All Girls Night

    Have An All Girls Night
    Celebrate My Engagement
  • Get Married

    Get Married
    I've Always Wanted To Get Married
  • Buy A House

    Buy A House
    Get A House With My Husband
  • Go On Honeymoon

    Go On Honeymoon
    Celebrate And Enjoy The First Time Being A Married Couple
  • Have Kid(s)

    Have Kid(s)
    Start A Family
  • Enroll My Kid(s) In Pre-School

    Enroll My Kid(s) In Pre-School
    Have Them Start Learning And Playing with Other Kids
  • Enroll Kid(s) In Kidegarden

    Enroll Kid(s) In Kidegarden
    Have Them Start Elementary School
  • Try To Go Back To College For Master's

    Try To Go Back To College For Master's
    Try To Get Better At My Job And Try To Get To A Higher Position
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    Graduate With Master's Degree
  • Renew Our Vows

    Renew Our Vows
    Celebrate Ten Years Of Being Married To Eachother
  • Go On A Family Vacation

    Go On A Family Vacation
    Have Our First Family Trip Together