
  • 600 BCE

    Pre-socratic: Thales, Heroclitus, Promenides, and Democritus

    Pre-socratic: Thales, Heroclitus, Promenides, and Democritus
    There were theories as the philosphy of nature, the theory of the unity of the universe and the being, the atomism...
    From where does everything come?
    From what is everything created?
  • 550 BCE

    Classical Philosphy: Sophists,Socrates, Plato and Aristotle

    Classical Philosphy: Sophists,Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
    They considerated the universe and nature as all.
    Why do you say that?
    Why do you think this assumption holds here?
  • 322 BCE

    Hellenistic Philosophy: Epicurus, Zeno and Euclid

    Hellenistic Philosophy: Epicurus, Zeno and  Euclid
    They are based on the laws of nature, in physics and it becomes more natural.
    What is happines?
  • 200 BCE

    Christian Philosophy: Plotinus, Porphyri and Augustine of Hippo

    Christian Philosophy: Plotinus, Porphyri and Augustine of Hippo
    Is development in philosophy that is characterised by coming from Christian tradition.
    If God created the world and everything else, Who created God?
  • 1355

    The Renaissance: Giordono, Nicolás Morsilio and Giovanni

    The Renaissance: Giordono, Nicolás Morsilio and Giovanni
    There was humanism, individualism, classicism...
    About immunity to error through misidentification
  • Scholasticism: Francis Bacon, ThomasHobbes and William Petty

    Scholasticism: Francis Bacon, ThomasHobbes and William Petty
    Philosophers focused their interest on questions related to our knowledge of reality
    How is God supposed to give my life meaning
  • Enlightenment: Rousseau,Voltaire Kant

    Enlightenment: Rousseau,Voltaire Kant
    Philosophers, argued that this improvement of society would be achieved by educating the population and cultivating free thought
    How did the view of man, the world and the universe change?
  • Contemporany Philosophy: Russel, Sarthe, Ortega and Gasset

    Contemporany Philosophy: Russel, Sarthe, Ortega and Gasset
    They were interested in society, morality, history and human.
    How can truth be defined?