embarked from Melbourne -
joined Mediterranean expeditionary force
gallipoli -
found guilty
Phillip was found guilty of not complying with an order on board troopship Ionian awarded 14 days detention. -
admitted to hospital gallipoli with a type of typhoid -
rejoined unit
admitted to 1st casualty clearing station Gallipoli for fever
transferred 19 general hospital, Alexandria and ttyphoild
transferred number one general hospital circo
transferred to port said convalescent camp
commenceed return to australlia from suez on board 'commonwealth'
re-remarked melbourne
found guilty of overstaying leave from midnight 7/9 till 5pm 8/9 was reprimanded firmly and forfeited 1 day pay
Proceeded to France
Joined 10th Battalion in Belgium
discharged to number 7 convalescent depot campers
admitted to 12th general hospital rouen with trench feet
discharged to base depot
rejoined unit
bomb wound left hand admitted to 10th field ambulance (wounded Accidentally)
transferred to 5th general hospital discharged to convalescent depot
rejoined unit
court of inquiry found he wasn't to blame for his wounds. (bomb injuries)
appointed lance corporal
admitted too 3rd Australia field hospital (inflamed nymph glands in neck)
transferred to 17th casualty clearing station then sameday by ambulance train number 27 to the 11th general hospital (gas poisoning)
rejoined unit
detached to engineers school
awarded military medal
rejoined unit
promoted to corporal
proceeded to overseas training
proceeded overseas ton his own accord to rejoin unit
wounded in action
shrapnel wound legs back and abdomen admitted to 3rd Australia field ambulance and transferred to 2nd Australia casualty clearing station transferred by ambulance train 35 to -
admitted 83rd general hospital bulogne
transferred to England
admitted to military hospital
(gunshot wound back and leg) -
returned to Australia