The philippine flag by wroiee d356shv

philippines timeline

  • Feb 25, 1400

    Spanish Colonization

    Spanish Colonization
    Both Spain and Portugal became active in the Philippines a the end of the15th century. They settled there mainly for spices, goods from China and to spread Christainity. Relations between Spain and Portugal were regulated by the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, which 'divided' lands outside Europe.
  • Feb 25, 1521

    First Spanish Settler

    First Spanish Settler
    The Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan with his sailors arrived in Philippines. They sailed across the Pacific from the Western Hemisphere.
  • Feb 25, 1570

    Spanish-Portuguese Philippine Wars

    Spanish-Portuguese Philippine Wars
    Spain ordered Miguel López de Legazpi to the Philippines to start colonies there. In 1571, Legazpi established a strong Spanish presence at Manila. Howeer, all Europeans countries were eager to gain colonies for themselves. Throughout the 1570s,Portuguese stood in Spanish's way and fought many small battles for the declaration of Philippines the islands around it as well.The conflict never developed into a full-scale war.
  • United States used Philippines' Struggles

    United States used Philippines' Struggles
    The United States used Philippines' struggles for independence as an advantage. Their goal is the same as the Spanish, which is to expand American political, economic and other influences. The Philippines already began a revolution against Spain. United States declared war after the sinking of the "Maine" at Havana harbor. In May, Commodore George Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay.
  • Treaty of Paris Gave America the Philippines

    Treaty of Paris Gave America the Philippines
    Philippine revolutionaries declared independence, but U.S. troops occupied Manila in August. In December, Spain signed the Treaty of Paris which ended the Spanish American War and had to give up their colonies which included the Philippines to the U.S.
  • Filipino-American War

    Filipino-American War
    A brutal conflict broke out between the United States and Philippines. It eventually became the Filipino-American War. 4,500 Americans died and at least ten times that many Filipinos died.
  • U.S. Installed Civil Government

    U.S. Installed Civil Government
    By 1902, a U.S. Commission installed a civil government in Manila to expand American culture and Christiaity, because 80% of the Filipinos were Catholic due to their old colonizer Spain.
    The U.S. established a Philippine Assembly. However, in 1907 the Philippines formed their own legislature and election.
    The U.S. formed a free trade with the Philippinein 1913, and limited self-government in 1916.
  • Sakdal Uprising

    Sakdal Uprising
    Landless peasants and workers joined the Sakdal movement founded and led by Benigno Ramos due to miserable working conditions and heavy taxes. However, this uprising was suppressed by the government which was backed up by the U.S. This showed that Filipinos was influenced by American freedom of the speech, people knew to stand out and speak their voices.
  • Japan Invaded the Philippines

    Japan Invaded the Philippines
    Japan invaded the Philippines and brought the horrors of World War II. Filipino guerrillas continued to fight, and President Truman announced that the war ended in August 1945, and within 11 months the Philippines became independent.
  • Philippine Constitution

    Philippine Constitution
    Philippines voters accepted a plebiscite. It was provided for a bicameral national congress, a limited presidency, and a judiciary with free political influence. Corazon C. Aquino was the president until mid-1992. Atfer him all the presidents can only be elected for six-year terms and cannot be reelected.There were 24 members in the senate and 250 membes in the house of representatives. The political position in Philippines was still unstable.