Marcos elected as President
Ferdinand Marcos was first elected as the new President of the Philippines. -
Marcos re-election
Marcos was re-elected to be President for the full second term. -
The First Quarter Storm
In the January-March of 1970, student protesters against Marcos and his government protest which prompted the declaration of Martial Law. -
The Battle of Mendiola
The Malacanang Palace was a high target for protest at this time and a lot of people fought against the incumbent government. -
The First Constitutional Convention
Called to change the then Philippine Constitution to establish the commonwealth of the Philippines. -
Bombing in Plaza Miranda
There was a political campaign rally at plaza miranda and a bombing occured. -
Declaration of Martial Law
President Marcos declared Martial Law. -
The Second Constitutional Convention
Affected by Marcos' declaration of Martial Law and decides to accept the new Constitution. -
Arrest of Ninoy Aquino and Jose Diokno
Senator Ninoy Aquino and Jose Diokno were arrested under Marcos' orders "coincidentally" the same time as rebels. -
Noise Barrage
This noise barrage occured because of the opposite party LABAN and their leader Ninoy Aquino. -
LABAN Party Founding
This party was the opposite party for Marcos' regime and was lead by Ninoy Aquino. -
Aquino Heart Attack/ Sent to US for treatment
Got a sudden heart attack and he left for the US in order to receive proper treatment. -
Marcos Elections
This election was boycotted by the opposition. -
Aquino Assasination
Senator Ninoy Aquino was assisinated in Ninoy Aquino International Airport while getting off an aircraft. -
Confetti Revolution
Following the assassination of Ninoy Aquino, there were demonstrations held which helped to complicate Marcos and his regime. -
Marcos calls for Snap-Elections.
This was also very corrupt and Marcos won the snap elections -
Ramos and Enrile Defect
Defense Minister Enrile and Deputy Chief of Staff Ramos defect from the Marcos' government. -
Period: to
EDSA Uprising
Another example of a non-violent mass demonstration that lasted 3 days. -
Marcos flees the Philippines
His health was also failing at the time and so he was forced to flee and go to exile in Hawaii.