Philippine History

  • Marcos elected President

    Marcos elected President
    Prior to this event during the time of their campaigns, Ferdinand and Imelda were very involved in terms of assisting and meeting with the poor. Seeing their camaraderie with the Philippines and the Filipino people in general, many--including soon-to-be-rivals--were very hopeful of their success and were looking forward to a bright future. Many people believed and hoped that his success would also reflect on the Philippines, and with good reason.
  • Marcos re-election

    Marcos re-election
    With his re-election, many were confused due to the amount of people who were against Marcos. After his re-election, many were sceptical of the legitimacy of the elections, and accused him of voter fraud. This breed a controversy on weather Marcos deserved the presidency.
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    First Quarter Storm

    The first to speak out were Filipino university students whom were concerned about the muslim massacres and voter frauds. Additionally, they felt that it was unfair that Marcos was drafting Filipino soldiers to fight at Vietnam, as the war in Vietnam wasn't "their fight to fight."
  • Battle of Mendiola

    Battle of Mendiola
    Protesters marched towards Malacañang Palace, but encounter firetrucks with water cannons. However, students seize control of it and drive it to the palace. There, they meet the police once again, and in the heap of battle, 4 students die in the process.
  • First Constitutional Convention

    First Constitutional Convention
    Marcos attempted to change the constitution in favour of allowing the winning party to pick and choose their candidate so that Marcos could remain in the presidency without any limited amount of terms. Despite his efforts, Marcos ultimately ended up failing persuading the constitution
  • Bombing in Plaza Miranda

    Bombing in Plaza Miranda
    In response to this event, Marcos suspends Habeas Corpus, meaning that policemen can take people o jail without justifications.
  • Declaration of Martial Law

    Declaration of Martial Law
    Arguably of the of the most significant days in Filipino history, the declaration of Martial Law lead thousands to be jailed and potentially killed; lead radios, televisions and newspapers to be censored or controlled by the government; ban strikes and protests; and brought all thoughts against Marcos' party to an all time low.
    Marcos ended up persuading the military by increasing their salary, blackmailing them, and ultimately manipulating them to think that it for the good of the Philippines.
  • Arrest of Ninoy Aquino/Jose Diokno

    Arrest of Ninoy Aquino/Jose Diokno
    As his first act upon declaring Martial Law, Marcos arrested his two main competitors, Ninoy Aquino and Jose Diokno. This move partially handicapped people who were against Marcos, as their main icon (Aquino and Diokno) were in prison.
  • Imelda Marcos Assasination Attempt

    Imelda Marcos Assasination Attempt
    This event shook the world, as it was the first successful attempt at physically hurting one of the Marcos'. It occurred on the 77th day after the proclamation of of Martial Law, and was an attack committed with a bolo, with which Imelda's initial reaction was: "If you are going to kill anyone, why not do it with a more beautiful bolo?"
  • Marcos Constitution Ratified (approved)

    Marcos Constitution Ratified (approved)
    This was ratification was more like a bribery rather than an agreement among the constitution, as it was evident that he had blackmailed and/or bribed many people of the constitution to change the system.
  • LABAN Party Founded

    LABAN Party Founded
    The purpose of this party was not truly to win the presidential elections (as they all knew Marcos would rig it), rather to maintain hope and to send the message that the rebellion against Marcos still stood tall and strong.
  • Noise Barrage

    Noise Barrage
    Noise Barrage was a big event leading up to the election due to it being the first ever strike taken place after the confirmation of Martial Law. Not to mention, it was a significant part of the rebellion against Marcos, as it was a time where people could see that despite of Martial Law, the rebellion still stood tall and strong.
  • Benigno Aquino Jr. heart attack; sent to the U.S.

    Benigno Aquino Jr. heart attack; sent to the U.S.
    Despite his imprisonment in Fort Bonifacio, Aquino was sent to the U.S. to complete his heart bypass. This was a strategical maneuver that Marcos placed to rid his one true, big competition. This also sucked the hope out of many Filipinos, as the lack of presence of their leader decreased their moral and encouragement of fighting back.
  • Termination of Martial Law

    Marcos ultimately ended Martial Law at this specific date due to the Pope coming to visit the Philippines, and Marcos thought that it would shame the Philippines if Martial Law was present with the presence of the Pope.
  • Marcos Elections, boycotted by opposition

    Marcos Elections, boycotted by opposition
    The opposition boycotted the elections for the pure reason of not allowing Marcos to flatter himself and make himself seem very supported and righteous.
  • Ninoy Aquino Assassinated

    Ninoy Aquino Assassinated
    This was a significant and heartbreaking day for many Filipinos, but also influenced the supporters of LABAN to handle the Marcos controversy in a different light. Since his assassination, many Filipinos felt entitled to fight back and work together for the greater good. Many people ranging from different status' including students AND people working for companies in a business stand-point. Not to mention, it sparked peoples need to protest peacefully and without any casualties.
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    Confetti Revolution

    This was unlike any other due to the attendants ranging from all status groups, ranging from students and even business workers (which is remarkable as that was the demographic that supported Martial Law). Not to mention, it can be argued that the confetti revolution wouldn't have happened if Aquino was not killed, since his assassinated indirectly encouraged them to fight back. Additionally, it can be seen that Aquino strongly influenced this particular revolution, as it was more peaceful.
  • Marcos Calls for Snap Elections

    Marcos Calls for Snap Elections
    When being interviewed with a late night talk-show host, the host asked him how Marcos could be so sure that majority of people were supporting him. He then responded by calling for snap elections, which caught everybody off-guard, including the Filipino government.
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    Snap Elections

    LABAN: President Cory Aquino | Vice President Doy Laurel
    KBL: President Ferdinand Marcos | Vice President Arturo Tolentino Although originally she did not want to participate in the elections, Cory Aquino eventually accepted despite having no prior experience whatsoever. Fortunately, she had the support of Salvador "Doy" Laurel who had many prior experience as a political figure. Over the campaign, things were looking very hopeful for LABAN as the support they received was overwhelming.
  • Marcos Wins Snap Elections

    This outcome was so infuriating that even the people in charge of counting the votes exited the working area to protest. Additionally, despite losing the election, Cory Aquino kept the LABAN momentum alive by encouraging strikes and rallies to fight non-violently.
  • Fiel Ramos and Juan Ponce Enrile Defect

    Fiel Ramos and Juan Ponce Enrile Defect
    This ultimately began the "crisis" stage of the Philippines People Power Revolution, as Ramos and Enrile barricaded themselves with soldiers in Camp Crame and deflected. This was surprising for everyone, as both of these men were supporters of Marcos.
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    EDSA Revolution

    This was the "crisis" stage of the Philippines revolution, as it was the point in which the opposition tried to forcefully overthrow the government. Originally, people gathered to protect the soldiers of Ramos and Enrile, but when Cardinal Sin called to support the rebel soldiers, it became more about protecting the soldiers, it became about protecting the Philippines. The military soldiers couldn't do anything, as their orignal order was to capture Ramos and Enrile. Eventually, Marcos resigned.
  • Marcos Family Flees from the Philippines

    Marcos Family Flees from the Philippines
    This occurred after the EDSA revolution, when the soldiers couldn't capture Ramos and Enrile due to people standing in the way. To this day, people credit Marcos for not running over the protesters and admitting his defeat, as doing so would have been morally brutal.
  • Cory Aquino Sworn In as President

    Cory Aquino Sworn In as President
    She was sworn in as a default opposing candidate of KBL.
  • Marcos' Death In Hawaii

    Marcos' Death In Hawaii