
Charles Darwin

  • Birth

    Charles was born in Shrewsbury, England. He came from a respected family of a father who was a doctor and and a mother who came from a pottery family.
  • Period: to

    Charles Darwin Life

    Charles Darwin is a known name even to those not in the science field. His biggest claim to fame were his development of the evolution theory and his trip to the Galapagos Islands.
  • 5 year voyage starts *youtube link

    This is the famous trip that we know of Charles Darwin, he sailed on the HMS Beagle. The original plan was to sail to South American and around Africa for only two years. But the sailing trip ended going on for a long five years where they also hit islands like the Galapagos and the Australian continent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZH6abZW6xjg
  • Return from the voyage

    After the very long 5 year voyage Charles Darwin had enough research to comply into a his book. But as is told in the video and confirmed in research, Charles Darwin had an act for wanting to stop at very location and island for prolonged periods of time. This of course did not go over well with the captain of the ship Captain Robert Fitzroy.
    Diane B Paul, Stenhouse, Spencer. Captain of HMS Beagle and governor of New Zealand. Pubmed.gov
  • Publication of Origin of Species

    This is what most people will come to think of when one talks about Charles Darwin. The theory of evolution was older than Darwin but he made some significant contributions to his field. This book follows his ideas on how evolution works and how exactly parents mating will effect their offspring. This book also covers how other species can give certain traits to their offspring when events slowly happen overtime. Think wooly mammoth, one is not just born this way but most slowly overtime adapt.
  • Death

    After a heart attack is the consensus, Charles Darwin had a series of seizures which proved fatal. He died in his home and was buried in Westminster Abbey, London, United Kingdom.