New Moon
Each moon phase cycle is approximately 30 days long. The moon revolves around the Earth one time during this cycle. As the moon revolves around Earth and the Earth revolves around the sun, the moon goes through different phases. Today, a new moon cycle begins. The moon is between the Earth and the Sun, so the moon is not illuminated in the night sky. The moon is so close to the sun that it cannot reflect its light. This phase is called a "New Moon." -
Waxing Crescent Moon
The moon is now in its Waxing Crescent phase. We are able to see a crescent-shaped moon illuminated in the sky. The "light" part of the moon (reflected from the sun) will continue to grow as the moon continues through its cycle. The Moon is round, just like the Earth. It is important to remember that only one side of the Moon is facing the Earth as the Moon revolves around the it. -
First Quarter Moon
The First Quarter Moon phase is sometimes referred to as a "Half Moon." The moon is about a quarter (1/4) of the way through its cycle. -
Waxing Gibbous Moon
In the Waxing Gibbous phase, more than half of the moon is illuminated in the night sky. Remember, the moon is not a source of light, it reflects light from the sun. -
Full Moon
The moon is about halfway through its revolution around the Earth. We can see an entire side of the moon illuminated in the night sky during the Full Moon phase. -
Waning Gibbous Moon
The moon is now in the Waning Gibbous phase, which means the "light" of the moon will continue to decrease through the rest of the moon phase cycle. -
Last (Third) Quarter Moon
During the Last, or Third, Quarter Moon phase, again we see a "Half Moon" in the night sky. The moon is three-quarters (3/4) of the way through its revolution around the Earth. -
Waning Crescent Moon
During the Waning Crescent phase, the illuminated side of the Moon looks like a crescent in the night sky. The "light" is almost gone, which means this Moon phase cycle will soon end. -
New Moon
The moon has completed its revolution around the Earth! A new moon cycle will now begin.