
Phases of the French Revolution

By Unai18
  • Causes of the Revolution

    Causes of the Revolution
    Because of the economic crisis, financial crisis, enlighment ideas and the american revolution the revoltion broke up in France
  • The Great Fear

    The Great Fear
    In 1789 Louis XVI was the king of France, but the people from the 3rd state wanted to kill him. Louis XVI frightened accepted the National Assembly, changin France into a Constitutional Monarchy. Before this, in 14 of July in 1789, a lot of people did the storming of the bastille, Louis XVI, started being frightened because of this.
  • Constitutinal monarchy

    Constitutinal monarchy
    In 1789 the proposal was to end with the Ancient Regime, a parliament by census suffrage and a cobstitution: Modeate bourgueoisie. This phase ended with the dead of Louis XVI, starting a new era without a king, the social republic, in 1793.
  • Social Republic

    Social Republic
    This era had two phases, in the first one, the radical one, girondins were the liders of France, they wanted more equality with the universal suffrage, but at the end of 1793 Jacobins started liderating France, then, the terror started, Jacobins killed a lot of people, between 50000 and 100000.
  • Conservative republic

    Conservative republic
    This phase started with the dead of Maximilien Robespierre, the lider of the Jacobins. The Directory was the executive branch. This was a new moderate liberalism, but in 1799 this phase ended and Napoleon started lideratin the French Empire.
  • Coup d,etat of Napoleon

    Coup d,etat of Napoleon
    In the 18th of Brumario in 1799, Napoleon did an coup d,etat, with the help of the soldiers because he used to be militar.
  • Napoleon became emperador

    Napoleon became emperador
    In 1804 Napoleon crown himshelf emperador of the first Empire of Frace.
  • Austerlitz

    In one battle, the Napoleons enemies had the best position, on the higths, and Napoleon had the worst, the lowest place. Napoleon made as if they were retiring, but then he returned and won the battle
  • The Peninsular War

    The Peninsular War
    This war was the military conflict fought in the Iberiar Peninsula by Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom against the invading and occupying forces of the First French Empire during the Napoleonic wars, this war started in 1807 and ended in 1814.
  • Russian campaign

    Russian campaign
    In 1812 Napoleon invaded Russia to comply with the continental blockade of the United Kingdom. For some people is among the most devastating military endeavors globally.
  • Waterloo

    The battle of Waterloo was fought on 1815 near Waterloo ( now in Belgium). A French army under te command of Napoleon was defeated by two armies of the Seventh Coalition.