Period: to
The Weapons of World War I
The Death of Peter Mauser
Peter Mauser, the designer of the 7.92 mm Mauser Gewehr 98, dies in may of 1914. The 7.92 mm Mauser Gewehr 98 was the standard weapon of the German army and was the ideal rifle for sniping with its fitted optical sight and tested accuracy.
Picture:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Mauser -
The 1914 Machine Gun
The machine gun that was used in 1914 was faulty in one main way, it couldn't be used for a long period of time without overheating. In theory, it could fire anywhere between 400 and 600 rounds per minute but the overheating issue prevented that. The two main cooling methods that were used were water and air cooling.
Picture: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ctarchives/4522699269?ytcheck=1 -
The Stokes Mortar
The Stokes Mortar was designed by Sir Wilfred Stokes in January of 1915. The mortar consisted of a smooth metal pipe on a base plate. When the bomb was dropped into the tube, it hit an impact sensitive pin that caused the bomb to be ejected. The Stokes mortar could fire up to 22 bombs per minute and had a max range of 1200 yards.
Picture:http://wargamesobsession.blogspot.com/2015/03/historical-photos-for-anzac-weapons-for.html -
The First Use of Chlorine Gas
In the Ypres Salient (a part of British territory that stuck into the German lands), the French and Algerian troops noticed a yellow-green cloud of gas approaching them. The cloud was chlorine gas that destroyed the victim's respiratory organs. Picture: http://greatwarproject.org/2015/05/20/huge-german-gas-attack-at-ypres/ -
The Mills Bomb
The Mills Bomb was designed in 1915 by William Mills and was first introduced to the British army in May of 1915. The Mills Bomb was a fragmentation bomb, meaning the outside was indented so that when detonated, the bomb broke up into a lot of fragments. Throughout the war, the Allies used about 70 million Mills Bombs. Picture: http://www.sofmilitary.co.uk/mills-no36-grenade-resin-product,14242 -
The First Notable Use of the Flamethrower
On July 30, 1915 at Hooge in Flanders, the Germans first used their flamethrowers against the British. Their portable Flammenuerfer consisted of two gas cylinders with a lit nozzle attached to each cylinder all on the backs of the men responsible from these devices. During this attack, almost 800 British men were lost.
Picture:http://www.glogster.com/chriszaccagnini/world-war-one-glog-by-chriszaccagnini/g-6llltvdariqctlbie03lua0 -
The British Mortar
The first British mortar was created in late 1915. The model was about four inches long and it was a cylindrical bomb that was dropped into a pipe onto a projecting pin that propelled the bomb. Mortars fired from this specific device went to a max of 1500 yardsand had a 25 second fuse.
Picture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stokes_mortar -
The Greatest Grenade Battle
In the battle of Pozieres Heights, which lasted twelve and a half hours, both sides threw a lot of grenades. The Allies threw around 15,000 Mills Bombs while the Germans threw many stick grenades, cricket ball grenades, egg bombs, and rifle grenades. Picture: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/510452223373737986 -
The First Use of Mustard Gas
PictureThe first use of mustard gas was against the Russians by the Germans at Riga in September of 1917. The Germans put mustard gas (or Yperite) in artillery shells to shoot at enemy troops. Mustard gas was an odorless gas that caused serious blisters internally and externally on the victim after only a few hours of exposure. Although mustard gas inflicted major injuries on the enemy, the chemicals remained in the soil, making capture of enemy trenches dangerous. -
The First Tank Vs. Tank Battle
This was the first successful display of German tanks. The German tanks attacked British and Australian tanks at Villers Bretonneux and succeeded in pushing them back. This was the first official tank on tank encounter.
Picture:http://silverhawkauthor.com/whiz-bangs-and-woolly-bears-walter-ray-estabrooks-and-the-great-war-book_304.html -
Period: to
Inventions of the 1920s and Great Depression
The Drive Thru
The first drive through window was created by City Center Bank in 1926. In-n-Out Burger opened the first drive thru restaurant in 1948.
Picture: http://www.middletownplanning.com/doclibrary.html -
Bubble Gum
Created by Frank Henry Fleer in 1906. It was unsuccessful due to its stickiness the first time. Walter E. Diemer reinvented it and improved it and created Double Bubble in 1928.
Picture: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/561472278516488514/ -
The Electric Dry Razor
In 1929, retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Jacob Schick left the army and developed the injectr razor, the razor n which you keep the handle and switch the blades.
Picture: http://www.bloomberg.com/ss/08/12/1205_sb_necessity/2.htm -
The Car Radio
Paul and Joseph Galvin teamed up with William Lear who owned a radio parts factory and Elmer Wavering who was an audio engineer. Together, they installed the first ever car radio into a Studebaker in 1930.
Picture:http://mentalfloss.com/article/29631/when-car-radio-was-introduced-people-freaked-out -
The Supermarket
A man in 1930 envisioned a huge store where there wuld be a variety of foods nd discounts. Michael Cullen created the first ever supermarket when he leased a garage in Queens and stared King Kullen Grocery.
Picture: http://kingkullen.prohost.mobi/? -
The Cotton Tampon
Dr. Earle Clevland Haas pateted the cotton tampon in 1931 when he noticed the discomfort with the pad. He based the tampon off of cotton plugs he used in surgery. Tampax was later founded in 1934.
Picture: http://www.bloomberg.com/ss/08/12/1205_sb_necessity/5.htm -
The Chocolate Chip Cookie
in May of 1933, Ruth Wakefield, the owner of Toll House Inn in Whitman, Mass. chopped up a chocolate bar and put it in her cookies. Nestle made a deal with Ruth, she could have a lifetime supply of chocolate in return for permission to print the recipe. Picture: http://dodgelegal.com/general/what-patents-have-to-do-with-chocolate-chips/ -
Period: to
WWII: The Holocaust
The First Concentration Camp
The first concetnration camp, Dachau, is opened. Concentration campsare used to force people to work in terrible conditions. In the first year, Dachau had 4,800 prisoners.
Picture: http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005214 -
The Gestapo is Created
The Gestapo, or Secret State Police, is created by Hermann Goring. He made the group by combining the executive and judicial branches of the government.
Picture: http://ww2gravestone.com/the-geheime-staatspolizei-secret-state-police-abbreviated-gestapo/ -
The Burning of Books with "unGerman" Ideas
In Berlin, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels speaks to many German students sayign that the Jewish Intellectualiam is over and that the German ideas are superior. After the speech, the students burned all the books with "unGerman" ideas or ideas that are different than those of the Nazi's.
Picture: http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/holocaust/h-bookburn.htm -
The Laundromat
The electric washing machine, which was made in 1908, was great for those who could afford it. JF Cotrell noticed that many people in his community couldn't afford the washing machine so he purchased four of them and installed them into the same building. He then charge people by the hour to wash their clothes.
Picture: http://www.bloomberg.com/ss/08/12/1205_sb_necessity/7.htm -
Charled Darrow designed the game in 1935 and he named the properties and streets after popular street names in Atlanta City. Originally, Parker Brothers rejected the game but when Darrow sold 5,000 copies of the game in a Philadelphia department store, they took on the game. Picture: http://www.worldofmonopoly.com/history/ -
The Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg Laws were passed in September of 1935. The Laws basically deprieved all German Jews and other people of Jewish lineage of their citizenship and their right to marry an Aryan. An Aryan is someone with blond hair, blue eyes, adn german heritage.
Picture: http://www.ushmm.org/propaganda/archive/nuremberg-race-laws-chart/ -
German official Ernst vom Rath was assassinated by a young Polish Jew and Hitler Youth and other German forces retaliated. They stormed into many German cities and destroyed a lot of Jewish owned homes and businesses.
Picture: http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005201 -
The St. Louis Sets Sail
The St. Louis sets sail from Hamburg and goes towards Cuba where they are eventually denied entry from Cuba and the United States. The passengers were forced to go back to Europe and split up to go to different countries for safety. Two thirds of the people that were split up went to countries that were eventually captured by Hitler.
Picture: http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/holocaust/h-louis.htm -
Nazi Euthanasia
In October of 1939, Hitler ordered a widspead "mercy killing" of anyone that was chronically ill or disabled. Anyone that was living a "life unworthy of life" was killed. This also included newborns or young children that show signs of mental illnesses or disabilities.
Picture: http://www.eajc.org/page32/news21099.html -
The First Ghetto
The first ghetto was established in Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland. The main purpose of the ghettos was to completely separate and segregate the Jews from the rest of the population. Most people that lived in ghettos died from either disease or starvation, were shot, or was sent to killing camps.
Picture: http://www.theholocaustexplained.org/ks3/life-in-nazi-occupied-europe/ghettos-case-studies/life-within-the-ghetto/#.VkStUITB-wY -
The First use of Zyklon B Gas
Zyklon B gas is first used in the Auschwitz concentration camp. 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 weak or ill prisoners were killed during this experiment.
Picture: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/auschwitz-survivors-return-nazi-concentration-camp-after-70-years-n293921 -
The First Extermination Camp
Chelmno, the first extermination camp in Germany was established in December of 1941 as part of the "final solution to the Jewish question". Extermination camps were used only for mass killing Jews. The other five extermination camps soon followed.
Picture: http://www.scrapbookpages.com/BergenBelsen/BergenBelsen02.html -
In 1935, Chester Carlson started working in the patent office. He didn't like the current process so he tried to change it. The first paper copier was made in 1947. Picture: http://www.aph.org/museum/collections/featured/historic-printing-presses/large-type/