Got drafted to the Colts- Intelligent and Courageous
Peyton Manning got drafted by the Indianapolis Cotls as the first overall pick in the 1998 Draft. -
Rookie Records- Bravery
Since his first year in the leage , Peyton Manning set record for passing yards and touchdowns. He was courageous enouf to pass the ball so many times -
First MVP- Hard Working
Peyton manning won the NFL MVP in 2003 after having an amazing year -
Second MVP
In 2004 Manning won his second MVP award by breaking records on most touchdown passes in one season. He threw for 49 touchdown pases. He won consecutive NFL MVP and he showed his perseverence and hard work -
Manning won his first NFL superbowl and was named superbowl MVP. he carried a colts offense that was very explosive and never backed down. He was always up to the challenge. -
Third MVP
This year Manning won his 3rd NFL MVP by having an amazing season. He even took his team back to the playoffs but on the final stage " Super Bowl" he had a crutial interception returned for a touchdown. He lost that game. -
Lost Superbowl to Saints : Perseverence
He had a great season and took the Colts to the playoffs. He lost the Superbowl but will contitnue to play. He also won his fourth MVP this season. He had an amazing season -
Neck injury
The 2011 season Manning could not play because he had a Neck injury. He had to skip the whole season and this is the main cause for his realease from the colts -
Part way with the colts
Manning got realesd by the colts after a neck surgery he had. He went on to sign with the Denver broncos -
Fifth MVP
MAnning broke the records for most touchdown passes in one season and the most yards in one season. HE had the best season a quarterback has ever had in regular season. -
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Peyton Manning