Petroleum was founded in 1859, by Edwin L. Drake, in Titusville, Pennsylvania. It was the start of the modern day oil industry. Petroleum is a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons that is present in certain rock strata and can be extracted and refined to produce fuels including gasoline, kerosene, and diesel oil. Lamps and automobiles were powered by petroleum, but realized that gasoline was a better option to power engines of all kinds. Petrochemical industry was born and oil became black gold -
North America’s first Sighting
North America first sighting of oil was in the Spindletop field near Beaumont in southeastern Texas, spraying more than 800,000 barrels of crude into the air before it was under control. In 1859, the United States boosted their yearly output of 2,000 barrels to more that 65 million barrels by 1901. -
High-pressure hydrogenation New Method
Friedrich Bergius developed a high-pressure hydrogenation process that transforms heavy oil. The oil is then changed into lighter oil, helped boost gasoline production. Chemical engineers William Burton and Robert Humphreys of Standard Oil, came up with a way to significantly increase gasoline yields. They discovered applying heat and pressure during distillation, petroleum molecules is able to break down turning into light gasoline molecules. -
Fischer-Tropsch method
Gasoline is produced by combining either coke and steam or crushed coal and heavy oil, then exposing the mixture to a catalyst to form synthetic gasoline. It is a critical role that helps increase demand for gasoline as automobiles became a world wide shortages for gasoline during World War ll. -
Jack-up Oil
The first rig designed offshore. The rig's legs can be lowered 500 feet into the seabed, the platform can raise to extreme heights above water levels. -
Synthetic oils
Synthetic oils are in development to meet the special lubricating requirements of military jets. The success of synthetic oils in military applications, they are introduced into the commercial market in the 1970s for use in automobiles. -
The Department of Energy, in Greenville, South Carolina developed mud pulse telemetry. Mud is a system the relays pressure pulses through drilling mud to convey the location of the drill bit. It saved oil industries millions in time and labor. -
New techniques to reduce the costs of drilling
The Department of Energy, introduced a new technique design to reduce the price of drilling. It gathered data from behind the drilling bit and transmitted it to the surface. Carbon dioxide, sand stimulation, and techniques that allowed non-damaging stimulation of natural gas formation. -
Hoover-Diana ia a 63,000-ton deep-draft caisson vessel, that is operated in the Gulf of Mexico.It's a production platform mounted atop a floating cylindrical concrete tube anchored in 4,800 feet of water. The whole production stands 83 stories high and is 90% below the surface. Six mouths out of the year, 20,000 barrels of oil is being produced and 220 million cubic ft of gas a day. -
20th Century uses of Petroleum
Every day we are surrounded by Petroleum and we do not even notice. Petroleum is both an oil and natural gas that is used to manufacture majority of the materials we have today. All plastics consist of Petroleum, asphalt, synthetic rubber used for tires, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, photographic films, furniture, clothing, etc. Petroleum is one of the biggest benefits to our society.
'http://www.energy4me.org/energy-facts/energy-sources/petroleum/' >Story of Petroleum</a> -
Information on Petroleum
Of all the chemical engineering inventions existing today, petroleum/gases are he 2nd greatest influencial invention of our time. It has had the most impact on our society and how fluently it runs.