Peter the Great's father dies
Peter's father, Alexis I died. His father's death is what started Peter's path in becoming an absolute ruler. However, for now Peter's brother, Fedor gets the crown. -
Feodor dies
Feodor catches many illnesses and dies at the young age of 20. -
Peter is crowned with his half brother, Ivan
Even though Ivan was next in line he was like Feodor in terms that they were both very sick. Because of this both Peter and Ivan got to rule together -
Peter becomes sole ruler
Ivan's illnesses got to him leaving him with serious mental and physical disabilities. In this year Ivan died at the age of 23 and now Peter is the sole ruler. -
European Tour
The European Tour was a well known trip taken by peter as an attempt to gain aid from western european monarchs. Peter had a dream of modernizing Russia -
The Great Northern War
Peter secured peace with the Ottoman empire and was focused on gaining more territory. this began the Greath Northern War. -
Peter the Great's death
In the begginging of 1725 Peter was ill with Uremia and he fell into a coma. on the 8th of February it was confirmed that Peter had died because his bladder was infected