Peter the great 9542228 1 402

Peter the Great

  • Peter the Great is born

    Peter the Great is born
    Peter the Great is born into the royal family of Russia
  • Peter is married to Eudoxia Lopukhina

    Peter is married to Eudoxia Lopukhina
    Peter is married to Eudoxia Lopukhina as his first marriage but in 1698 they seperate
  • The Azov Campaigns

    The Azov Campaigns
    The Azov's campaign objective was to capture Azov from the Crimean Tatar vassals of Turkey and at the end of this was the beginning of the building of Russia's navy
  • Russia Expanding

    Russia Expanding
    Russia had a huge piece of land but no access to the Black Sea, Caspian, or the Baltic and Peter wanted to change this under his rule
  • Ivan V's Death

    Ivan V's Death
    The passing of Ivan V left Peter as the sole ruler of Russia
  • Grand Embassy

    Grand Embassy
    This embassy was to examine the international situation and to strengthen the anti-Turkish coalition; but, was also intended to gather information on the economic and cultural life of Europe.
  • The Destruction of the Streltsy

    The Destruction of the Streltsy
    Peter wanted Australia but while negotiating in Vienna for the anti-Turkish alliance, he heard news of the Streltsy revolting in Moscow. Peter when he returned suppressed the revolt and Hundreds of the Streltsy were executed
  • Period: to

    The Northern War

    Peter was preparing to fight the Spanish to make peace with Turkey but Peter realized Russia could not finish a war without allies against Turkey. When the war was won Peter's status was changed from Tsar to Emperor
  • The Popular Revolts

    The Popular Revolts
    The peasants and the poorer workers had the hardest time during the war and in the course of Peter’s great work for the modernization and development of Russia Their sufferings, combined with taxation, provoked a number of the lower class citizens to rebel
  • Peter is married again to Catherine I of Russia

    Peter is married again to Catherine I of Russia
    Peter is married to Catherine I of Russia many years after the separation of Peter and Eudoxia