Peter Cooper

  • Peter Cooper is born

    Peter Cooper is born
  • Built "Tom Thumb"

    Built "Tom Thumb"
    When it was built, it could pull 40 persons at 10 miles an hour
    he built it as the end result of a challenge
  • The first structural-iron beams

    when the iron beams came to be, pter copper displayed remarkable inventive talent, producing a washing machine, a compressed-air engine for ferry boats, a waterpower device for moving canal barges, and several other devices.
  • Finally recognized

    Peter Cooper was not recognized for his accomplishment until 1875 when he described and sketched a drawing of the locomotive
  • Peter Coopers' death

    Peter Coopers' death
    Peter Cooper died at the age of 92 from pneumonia at his home in New York City.
  • Remade car

    A museum's replica was constructed for the B&O Railroad's 1927 Fair of the iron horse.
    This operating replica follows the general description given by Peter Cooper, but was built for performance in the 1927 fair, rather than historical accuracy.