
  • Jan 18, 1535

    Foundation Of The Capital

    Lima was founded by Francisco Pizarro in 1535 on the Catholic holiday of Epiphany, when the Three Kings visited baby Jesus, and was now known as Ciudad de los Reyes or in english, City of the Kings. Francisco Pizarro was the Conqueror of the Inca Empire. In 1535, Lima was founded as the City of the Kings because of its date of establishment January 6, the date of the Epiphany ( The visit of the magi the baptism of Jesus). The name was abandoned and Lima became the first choice of the city.
  • Nov 22, 1542

    The Viceroyalty of Peru was established.

    The Viceroyalty of Peru, officially known as the Kingdom of Peru, was a Spanish imperial provincial administrative district, created in 1542, that originally contained modern-day Peru and most of the Spanish Empire in South America, governed from the capital: Lima. Until nearly the end of era, Peru was considered the most valuable Spanish possession in the Americas. It produced vast quantities of silver buillon for shipment to Europe, especially from the mines at Potosi.
  • 1545

    Paleta Fronton

    Paleta Fronton
    Paleta frontón is a Peruvian sport that was born in the capital, Lima, in 1945.[1] This sport has its roots in the "pelota vasca" brought by the Spanish settlers, and the domestic "pelota mano", called "handball" at that time due to English influence. The sport is similar to squash but is played on an open court. Paleta Fronton is a sport played with two players the goal of the game is to hit the ball on a wall and make it bounce two times on the ground.
  • Period: to

    Ancash Earthquake

    Ancash earthquake of 1970, earthquake that originated off the coast of Peru on May 31, 1970, and caused massive landslides. Approximately 70,000 people died. Tens of thousands of people were killed or injured when their homes or businesses collapsed, and a significant number of victims died as the result of landslides triggered by the quake. The most destructive landslide fell from Peru's highest mountain, Mount Huascarán, located in the west-central Andes.
  • End of the Neo-Inca State in Vilcabamba.

    Vilcabamba was the capital of the Neo-Inca State from 1539 to 1572. The Neo-Inca State was the last refuge of the Inca Empire until it fell to the Spaniards and their allies in 1572, signaling the end of Inca resistance to Spanish rule. Subsequently, Vilcabamba was abandoned and its location forgotten.
  • Period: to 1 CE

    Claudio Pizzaro

    Born October 3, 1978 in Callao (Peru), Claudio Miguel Pizarro Bossio is a football player of Peruvian nationality playing as a striker. He is right-handed and weighs 84 kilograms with a height of 1.86 meters. Claudio Pizarro has worn the Werder Bremen jersey since July 2018.