personal timeline

By dizz115
  • 20 year plan

    20 year plan
    So what I will do when I am 20 is that I will try and get a good solid hour of excersice each day so that I wont become fat and lazy. when it comes to food im going to try and do what I do now and plane my meals with a good mix of everything so that when I go to the store I dont buy just junk food that is bad for me and limit my self on the food intake. and try to gey my parents to go with me and come over and eat now and them
  • 30 year plane

    30 year plane
    I will try to keep up the hour of exercise each day so that i stay in shape, I will also keep doing to meal planning but try to intake more vitamins and calcium so that I dont get brittle and old as soon
  • 40 year ride

    40 year ride
    so when I am 40 I will have a wife and kid, when these things happen I will spend time with my kid and try to get my wife and kid to come with me to work out so that they are set for the future and they will be okay, still do the mean planning so that my wife and kid are healthy and in shape and getting their nutrients.
  • 50 year close to end

    50 year close to end
    when I am 50 I will hopefully be in good shape and keep up the work outs so that I dont get Arthurian are bad injurys. I will also keep up the meals for my wife and kid and we will all be in good shape and eating healthy so that we can live longer
  • the 60 year end

    the 60 year end
    well by this time I will cut my work outs to 30 min and do less extreme stuff so that I dont kill myself when doing them, as for my wife and kid, my wife will also cut down the work outs but my kid will hopefully be doing more and doing it for longer, the meal prep is still the same and I will continue to eat well with my family so that me and my wife live to 100 years old