Asd shield

Personal Timeline

  • Personal Timeline

    Personal Timeline
    I was born
  • Personal Timeline

    Personal Timeline
    Grandfather dies day after I was born
  • Personal Timeline

    Personal Timeline
    Barack Obama becomes the first African-American to be elected President of the United States
  • Personal Timeline

    Personal Timeline
    We got our dog Buster
  • Personal Timeline

    Personal Timeline
    Tree goes through grandmothers house
  • Personal Timeline

    Personal Timeline
    Scientists detect evidence of light from the universe's first stars, predicted to have formed 500 million years after the big bang
  • Personal Timeline

    Personal Timeline
    Republican Donald Trump is elected President of the United States of America, defeating Democrat Hillary Clinton, who received 2.9 million more votes
  • Personal Timeline

    Personal Timeline
    We adopt Apollo
  • Personal Timeline

    Personal Timeline
    Apple becomes the first American public listed company to reach $1 trillion in value
  • Personal Timeline

    Personal Timeline
    My mother completed her cancer treatments