Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    Born in Anthony Hospital Shawnee Mission
  • Olathe Daycare

    Olathe Daycare
    Started going to daycare very frequently
  • Preschool

    Starting Preschool
  • Soccer

    I started to play soccer for a team and loved the sport.
  • Main Job

    Main Job
    I work at a place called BRK next to scheels.
  • Graduating Highschool

    Graduating Highschool
    Graduating Highschool and going to College
  • Getting a Job

    Getting a Job
    Using my degree from college for a job. Not sure what I want to do after high school yet although I will say engineer for now.
  • House

    Purchasing a house
  • Marriage

    Getting Married
  • Having Kids

    Having Kids
    Bringing more life into the world
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    It tells me that I have my main events in my life already planned out and that I follow the regular path to life.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    I feel like I would be very different because the events I planned out are the major ones. If one of my main events change then the ones after it might aswell.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    My future seems pretty flexible because any slight changes should not completely alter my timeline.