
Personal Timeline

  • Education: BS Computer Science

    Education: BS Computer Science
    I graduated with BS degree in the University of Murcia. During this time I was intern in Operations Research Department.
  • Period: to


    I was programmer in a IBM Partner in Murcia
  • Education: MS Computer Science

    Education: MS Computer Science
    Graduated with a MS in Computer Science for the University of Murcia. During that time I was intern of the IT Department.
    My thesis was about Optimization of Unix Server running Oracle Databases. Part of this work is used as lectures for students in this University.
  • Period: to

    System Analyst

    I was system analyst and consultant for various goverment divisions.
  • Period: to

    GEMMS Support Specialist

    I was hired to implement GEMMS (earlier version of Oracle Applications OPM) in Cartagena Compounding Plant.
  • Accomplishments: Printer Manager Development

    Accomplishments: Printer Manager Development
    Printer manager was a solution developed to be able to store, schedule, reprint and regenerate all the reports available in GEMMS (by that time no solution of this type was provided by GEMMS/Oracle).
  • Period: to

    IMO Manufacturing

    After implementing GEMMS in Cartagena Compounding and participating in Oracle OPM implementation in Cartagena I was part of the team supporting all GEMMS system in Europe and OPM systems in Cartagena
  • Accomplishments: Databot Project Leader

    Accomplishments: Databot Project Leader
    Designed a flexible interface system able to connect heterogeneous systems in a flexible way, allowing a quick developement of interfaces (50% cost and time reduction).
  • Accomplishments: GEMMS - ESS Interface Design

    Accomplishments: GEMMS - ESS Interface Design
    In charge of the design and implementation of all interface messages between System ESS (our customer ordering system) and GEMMS (manufacturing ERP system)
  • Training: Six Sigma

    DMAIC Project executed: 0 TTFG Errors.
  • Training: MES Flowstream

    Training course to be able to support a manufacturing executing system being used at that time in BoZ Lexan and Nory Plant.
  • Period: to

    GEMMS Support Leader

    I was the GEMMS Support Leader for Europe. I was in charge of a team of 4 persons giving support of GEMMS and OPM in Europe.
  • Accomplishments: Forumula Verification System

    Accomplishments: Forumula Verification System
    Implemented a Formula Verification System in Cartagena. This system ensures that operators are not making mistakes when preparating the formulation of the production batches. Savings 192,000$
  • Training: OPM Concurrent Manager

    OPM Concurrent Manager Training is the core functionality for all scheduled tasks with Oracle Applications Suite
  • Accomlishments: Support Improvements

    Accomlishments: Support Improvements
    As GEMMS Support Team Leader I was able to reduce from 6 persons in support to 3. Number of call-outs was also reduced from 7/wk to 1.5/wk for the 10 supported manufacturing plants in Europe.
  • Period: to

    IT Engineer

    Support was outsources to TCS. During this time I was the IT leader for different IT projects and mentor of IMLPs (New hires that entered our Information Management Leadership Program).
  • Accomplishment: X-Based Control Washington, US

    Accomplishment: X-Based Control Washington, US
    Designed X-Based Control solution for ESR (Pilot in Washington, US). This system allows the control of the product specification based on the process conditions, enable a reduction of the testing of product specs. Savings 350,000$
  • GEMMS Small Projects

    GEMMS Small Projects
    Led several different GEMMS Small Projects:
    - Electronic Certificates of Analysis: Saving 55,000$
    - Digitized scheduling process: Reduced 2FTE
    - GEMMS Global DWH Design
  • Training: Wireless Networking

    This training was showing how to build secured wireless networks.
  • Accomplishment: Formula Verification Translation

    Accomplishment: Formula Verification Translation
    Translated formula verification system from Cartagena Compounding to 3 different manufacturing plants in Europe:
    Pontirolo Italy, Grangemouth UK, Beauveais France. Reduced color consistency issues by 80%.
  • Accomplishments: X-Based Control Translation Package

    Accomplishments: X-Based Control Translation Package
    Provided a foundation and translation package that allows the implementation of X-Based Control in 2 weeks (instead of the regular 6 weeks)
  • Training: Oracle 8 Administration

    Training about Oracle Administration (DBA Role)
  • Accomplishments: X-Based Control Grangemouth

    Accomplishments: X-Based Control Grangemouth
    Led X-Based Control Implementation in Grangemouth UK. Savings 300,000.
  • Training: IT Network Security

    Security Training on network, focused on intrusion detection and post-morten forensics.
  • Accomplishments: Global Formula Verification and Inventory Control

    Accomplishments: Global Formula Verification and Inventory Control
    Lead Global Formula Verification and Inventory Control Design. This allow standards definitions for this type of projects. Savings 200,000$
  • Education: PhD Data Mining and Knowledge Management

    Education: PhD Data Mining and Knowledge Management
    During 2 year I followed the PhD Courses with I qualified as A+.
    Before I was able to complete my thesis I had my first son and free time is not that much any more...
  • Accomplishments: Document Managment Project

    Accomplishments: Document Managment Project
    Led the implementation of the document management system in Cartagena Site (CURATOR). Benefits: 200,000$
  • Period: to

    IT Project Lead

    I was promoted to the leader profesional band during this period. Lead several IT projects and started the new model for support in Europe.
  • Accomplishment: Global DAS Design

    Accomplishment: Global DAS Design
    Led the Global Dent/Downtime Analysis/Attack System. The system allows early detection of production downtimes and resolution of the same (later analysis also possible). Benefits: Incremented capacity of 19,629Tn/year
  • Accomplishment: Raw Material Lean FIFO

    Accomplishment: Raw Material Lean FIFO
    Participated in Lean event for Raw Material FIFO consumption. Savings: 75,000$
  • Training: Oracle Datwarehousing

    Training on Oracle Datwarehousing Solution
  • Accomplishment: FV/IC LX

    Accomplishment: FV/IC LX
    Led Formula Verification and Inventory Control System in Cartagena LX Plant. Benefits 225,000$
  • Accomplishment: FV/IC Translations

    Accomplishment: FV/IC Translations
    Translated the formula verification system from LX1 plant to LX2 (Benefits: 200,000$ )
    Qualify FV/IC as QS9000.
  • Accomlishment: OPM Small Projects

    Accomlishment: OPM Small Projects
    Led several OPM Small Projects:
    - Finance Closing Optimization: Reduced the finacial closing resources from 2 persons full time to 2 persons 25%.
    - XPress Implementation: Xpress orders need NO manual intervention from the customer entry point to the delivery being able to complete full cycle in 24h.
  • Training: Lean Manufacturing

    This training was about the lean manufacturing processes (reduction of waste and cycle times).
  • Accomplishments: OPM Support Improvements

    Accomplishments: OPM Support Improvements
    Reduced total number of OPM cases (our ERP) by 10%
    Reduced total number of Business Critical Cases by 35%
    Reduced average resolution time from 103h to 4h
  • Accomplishment: Lawsuit Information

    Accomplishment: Lawsuit Information
    Provided needed information for a Lawsuit earned: 1,000,000 earned.
  • Training: IT Security and Forensics

    Advanced training on IT security. As a result of that I became collaborator in a security magazine published in 16 countries.
  • Accomplishment: Advanced Logistics

    Accomplishment: Advanced Logistics
    Led advanced logistics project in Cartagena. This system allows a flexible scheduling of the LX facilities. Saving 200,000$
  • Accomplishment: Support on Virus Attack

    Accomplishment: Support on Virus Attack
    Identified the source of a virus attack that was freezing all internal network communications (Cartagena Site). Disconnected the source system and restored all communications in the Site.
  • Accomplishment: OPM Small Projects

    Accomplishment: OPM Small Projects
    Lead several OPM Small Projects:
    - LX Tint Masterbatches: Enables production of tints in our facilities: Savings: 10eur/kg (estimated kgs 200Tn/year)
    - Reduced Finance Closing Complexity: Finance figures available 4 days earlier.
  • Accomplishment: O11i System Design

    Accomplishment: O11i System Design
    Participated in O11i System Design, creating an awareness for Global Processes and Systems, identifying simplification oportunities included as part of the O11i Core system.
  • Training: Data Mining with Intelligent Agents

    Advanced training on Data Mining
  • Accomplishment: Financial Closing Package

    Accomplishment: Financial Closing Package
    Created a training package for functional and technical persons. This allows a seamless closing no matter who is involved in the closing process (trained or not-trained persons in functional or technical side). Number of closing issues reduced from 12/month to 1/month
  • Accomplishment: Formula Verification Next Gen

    Accomplishment: Formula Verification Next Gen
    Led the formula verification next generation project in Cartagena Compounding. This version takes into account full manufacturing processes including the ones known as "new technology" extrusion lines. Savings 240,000$
  • Accomplishment: Coaching FV/IC

    Accomplishment: Coaching FV/IC
    Coached new Operations Members, creating sustainable support processes for Formula Verification and Inventory Control System. Reduced number of daily cases for this application from 3 to less than 1 per week.
  • Training: JBOSS Application Server

    General Training on current infrastructure supporting most of our web applications.
  • Accomplishment: Datamart Design for SC

    Accomplishment: Datamart Design for SC
    Datamart Design completed and implemented. This allows consistent case analysis for all support cases enabling creation of standard metrics across all support groups
  • Accomplishment: Web Operations

    Accomplishment: Web Operations
    Led Web Operations in Europe, reducing the ADIR (average daily case rate) to 1.2, minimizing the impact of the maintenance of the web order centers to our customers.
  • Accomplishment: Coaching on new technologies and tools

    Accomplishment: Coaching on new technologies and tools
    I've been coaching local, pole and also global teams on new tools and methodologies to better support their respective business areas.
  • Accomplishment: Support Operations

    Accomplishment: Support Operations
    Jumped outside my areas of expertise to support betteer support the business in Manufacturing, Commercial Supply Chain and Web processes and technoloogies. As a result of it, resolved 355 support requests.
  • Accomplishment: Web Operations Europe

    Accomplishment: Web Operations Europe
    Led Web Operations in Europe. Multiple RCCA's (Root cause corrective actions) implemented resulting on an ADIR reduction from 1.2 to 0.8.
    Implemented follow the sun model in web operations. This allows the Web Operations Global team to actively monitor servers and applications and take corrective actions preventing disruption of service to our customers.
  • Training: SiteMinder

    Siteminder training, being able to secure applications with the SSO enabled technology
  • Period: to

    IT Senior Project Leader

    Promoted to Senior Professional Leader during this time. Leading Web Ops for Europe.
  • Training: SAP Introduction Training

    Introductory Training to SAP
  • Accomplishment: Web QA Global Reviewer

    Accomplishment: Web QA Global Reviewer
    Quality Assurange gatekeeper for all web applications (new and changes in current applications).
  • Promoted as L5 Section Head BA Web Services

  • Period: to

    Head Count Web Services for Business Applications in Europe

  • Accomplishments 2010

    Accomplishments 2010
    • Led Web QA and Architecture Reviews Globally. 147 reviews were done in 2010, for small changes, modifications and new applications globally, detecting more than 500 code issues, architecture flaws and security issues that were corrected before the applications were deployed in production.
    • Led Web Operations in Europe. New web order center introduced in Americas affected negatively ADIR (from 0.8 last year to 1.2 the first half of the year) but several RCCAs reduced it back to 0.8
  • Support Central Upgrade

    Support Central Upgrade
    Led Support Central Upgrade project. In order to support the forthcoming Windows 7 roll-out this project was implemented
    without any issues and not requiring any extra resources (past implementations had 2 full time resources dedicated to planning,
    testing and communication). Support Central is used by 33000 users (globally) that could have been impacted when not done.
  • Digital Work Permit

    Digital Work Permit
    Led PermitCliq Implementation in BoZ Manufacturing site. This project was key for the turnaround planned for the BoZ site in the
    3Q. I was able to implement in a very tight schedule and remotely coordinating internal (DBA's, Infrastructure) and external
    (vendor) resources (more than 50,000 tasks were planned for this turnaround could have been impacted when not on time).
  • Accomplishments 2011

    Accomplishments 2011
    • Led Web QA and Architecture Reviews Globally. 266 reviews were done during 2011, for a total of 143 small changes, modifications and new applications projects.
    • Dismantled 2 applications from our portfolio (Sabic-PC and Ord-PC Order Centers) contributing to simplify our Services Operations.
    • Led Web Services Team (6 persons). Order Centers running more stable than ever: AMR ADIR: 0.4 (vs. 0.8 last year).