Personal Tech Progression

  • Playstation 1

    When we transitioned to the Playstation 1 from the Super Nintendo, it was an amazing feeling for little six year old me! I remember thinking that the graphics were way better. Because a disc was easier to store, I remember putting all the cases in alphabetical order just so i could see our collection!
  • Compact Discs

    I remember when I used to use floppy discs to save information like school projects or just playing around on them. But then I was introduced to CDs and life got cooler! While it was a pain to remember not to scratch it, it was still awesome to see how much information can be stored on them. I remember my dad showed me that you could actually see the data on the disc if you hold it to the light just right! Thats how i knew when I needed to get another disc or not.
  • Hit Clips

    Oh man! If you didn’t have a HitClip, you were missing out on the best 30 seconds to a minute of your life! It was so fascinating to me because up until then, the only portable music player i had was my CD player that you had to carry out in the open because it wouldn’t fit in your pocket! With the Hit Clip, you were able to get 30sec to a minute of a song (like a demo) on this little chip that you could just pop in and out of the device.
  • Mobile Depositing

    This was a huge game changer when I started working! I would have to remember to physically go to the bank to do anything with the paper check! When mobile depositing became a thing, it was amazing to be able to deposit the check from home or where ever I was! I was hesitant at first since I wasn’t able to see anything going on, but once it went through like it was supposed to, it became a new favorite way of banking!
  • iPad

    I remember getting my first ipad with a keyboard case for Christmas in 2021! I know, I’m a little late to the tablet game! I can remember how excited I was because it was portable and I could do schoolwork where ever I wanted! Like from the couch for this assignment! It was such an upgrade from the giant brick of a laptop and now constantly use it for everything!