Personal Literacy Story

  • Bedtime Stories

    Bedtime Stories
    Before bed my parents would read bedtime stories. Each night I would stay awake until the whole story was finished. No matter how tired I was I needed to hear the ending. As a child, the end of the story was very important. I needed to hear the epilogue to be satisfied. I would wait though the whole story just to hear the end. If any piece of the story was skipped, I would make my parents re-read it. At an early age I was able to understand the parameters of a story.
  • Enjoy reading books of choice

    Enjoy reading books of choice
    Growing up I enjoyed reading. However, if I was not interested in the book I was not engaged in the reading and would avoid reading the book. It was important that I could choose the book to read in order to get something that kept my interest. Some of the books I enjoyed reading were Junie B. Jones books, Mortimer (and other Robert Munsch books) and Eenie Meenie Manitoba.
  • Increasing Book Collection

    Increasing Book Collection
    As mentioned, I fell in love with the book Eenie Meenie Manitoba that my Grade 3 teacher read. She seen how much I enjoyed this book and decided to give me a copy of my own. I would read this book over and over again and loved it.
  • Parameters of a Story

    Parameters of a Story
    Growing up I always payed close attention to the structure of a story. Every story needed an end and I would wait carefully for this. When creating my own stories I knew I needed to incorporate the many different parts (Beginning, Middle and End) of a story without missing any.
  • Hamburger Model

    Hamburger Model
    One year at school we were shown how to create a story using the Hamburger Model. This model lays out the 5 different parts of a story and the importance of each part. This structure has become a crucial part of my learning and literacy development.
  • Becoming Literate

    Becoming Literate
    These pinnacle moments in my life have contributed to my literacy development. By listening to stories carefully and getting every detail it has helped me developed good listening skills and memory tactics. By having choice in reading materials it has allowed me to enjoy reading and strengthen my reading skills. Finally, by having access to models like the hamburger model has allowed me to organize and structure my wiring materials. These all contribute to how I have become literate.
  • Future Practice

    Future Practice
    My personal literacy story connects to this course and my future practice because I was able to recognize what helped me become a literate individual. Therefore, some of these techniques would be beneficial to include in order to help other students become literate. In my future practice I could allow students to have choice in reading topics and include writing models to enhance student learning!