Persian war

Greece History

  • 499 BCE

    Persian war begins

    Persian war begins
    The Persian Empire tried to conquer Greece 3 times, but ultimately failed. The Persian Empire wanted their revenge after the Athenians helped one of their colonies residing in the Persian Empire, specifically in Anatolia, rebel against Persian rule. Darius become very angry and vowed to defeat the Athens.
  • 479 BCE

    The Peloponnesian war begins

    The Peloponnesian war begins
    It started off with the Athens (leader of the Delian league) getting too much power. In cause of that, some countries decided to leave the Delian League. The Athens decided to use their power, they decided to punish those countries by conquering them. Not on Sparta's watch. They created the Peloponnesian league to counter the Delian League.
  • Period: 479 BCE to 429 BCE

    The Golden Age of Athens

    This was a time of many things such as : The Delian Leage (the league of "peace"), The Peloponnesian war, the rise of the type of columns, the birth of Classical Art and Theater.
  • 449 BCE

    The Persian war ends

    The Persian war ends
    The first battle was the Battle of Marathon. Won by the Greeks through the phalanx formation (side by side wit each a shield and spear)in Marathon city. The next battle was the Battle of Thermopylae. The Greeks united with the Spartans. The battle was 7300 vs 10,000 Persians. The Spartans found a secret passage around the Mountain given by a traitor. The final battle was the Battle of Salamis. The Greeks won at sea and sank 1/3 Persian boats. Greeks won! And so they became wealthy and powerful.
  • Period: 430 BCE to 426 BCE

    The Plague of Athens

    The Plague of Athens was a document written by a soldier in the Peloponnese war, Thucydides. He wanted to write about the history of the war and that era. He described how Athens was going through an extremely tough time. As though many people thought that it was just a common diseases, they were badly mistaken. The disease spread very fast and it was killing many, many people. Their population decreased quickly and that is terrifying.
  • Period: 336 BCE to 326 BCE

    Alexander the Great's glory

    Alexander the great was a well- educated and well- trained as a military officer. He was tutored by he philosopher, Aristotle, and had gone on many military ventures with his father. He turned king of Macedonia at age 20 due to his father (Philip the ||) dying at his own daughter's wedding. He conquered (in order), Greece, Anatolia, Egypt, Persia, and India.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great's death

    Alexander the Great's death
    During Alexander the great's lifespan many people would debate if he's a hero or a villain. He conquered many countries and empires, he slaughtered many people, and helped rebuild a town. So I guess Santa also debated with himself weather Alexander has been naughty or nice as well.
  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE


    Alexander the Greats's empire combined the knowledge of 4 great empires (Greece, Persia, Egypt and India). This combination of Greek influence with Eastern ideas creates a new culture known as Hellenism culture. Many mathematics, scientists, and Philosophers studied at Alexandria (the city of knowledge). There was Hellenistic art too. There was sculptures where they looked real and people looked natural. They had more emotion and tend to show movement.