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Persian war

  • 490 BCE

    battle of marathon

    battle of marathon
    The battle waged on the Marathon plain of northeastern Attica in 490 B.C. marked the first blows of the Greco-Persian War. With the Persians closing in on the Greek capitol, Athenian general Miltiades assumed command of the hastily assembled army. The victory of “the Marathon men”
  • 480 BCE

    battle of thermopylae

    battle of thermopylae
    Battle in northern Greece (480 BC) in the Persian Wars. Ten years after the defeat at Marathon, the Persian invasion of Greece was resumed by King Xerxes in 480 BCE. A Spartan-led Greek army led by Leonidas tried to block the Persian advance at the pass of Thermopylae but was defeated
  • 479 BCE

    battle of salamis

    battle of salamis
    After the Battle of Thermopylae,the Persians marched into Athens and burnt the
    city.Later,a sea battle broke out at the Bay of Salamis.There,the
    Athenian navy destroyed the Persian fleet.