Period: 1048 BCE to 948 BCE
Kay Kawad’s reign
Period: 948 BCE to 798 BCE
Kay Kavus’ reign
Period: 798 BCE to 738 BCE
Kay Khosrow’s reign
Period: 738 BCE to 618 BCE
Kay Lohrasp’s reign
638 BCE
Birth of Gushtasp
628 BCE
Birth of Zaradusht
Period: 618 BCE to 498 BCE
Gushtasp’s reign
588 BCE
Zaradusht appears to Gushtasp
551 BCE
Death of Zaradusht
Period: 498 BCE to 386 BCE
Kay Bahman’s reign
Period: 386 BCE to 356 BCE
Homai’s reign
Period: 356 BCE to 344 BCE
Kay Darab’s reign
Period: 344 BCE to 330 BCE
Dara’s reign
Period: 330 BCE to 316 BCE
al-Iskandar’s reign
Extinguishing of the Persian Fire
The Birth of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. -
Falling of the Cypress of Kashmar