International Crisis

  • WWI

    Archduke Ferdinand assassinated
  • WWI

    Wilson wins presidential election
  • WWI

    Herbert Hoover sets off to ration food
  • WWI

    President Wilson states his 14 points
  • WWI

    The war is over
  • WWI

    Treaty of Versailles signed
  • Europe/WWII

    the first concentration camp was opened outside of Berlin
  • Europe WWll

    Europe WWll
    Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany
  • Europe WWll

    Europe WWll
    United states proclaims its neutrality
  • WWI

    United States government declares its neutral in the European conflict
  • Europe WWll

    Europe WWll
    Assassination attempts on Hitler fail
  • Europe WWll

    Europe WWll
    Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
  • Europe WWll

    Europe WWll
    France signs an armistice with Nazi Germany
  • Europe WWll

    Europe WWll
    German U-boats attack merchant ships
  • Pacific/WWII

    Attack on pearl harbor
  • WWII Pacific

    WWII Pacific
    Hong Kong surrenders
  • WWII pacific

    WWII pacific
    Singapore surrenders. British defeat
  • Pacific/WWII

    General MacArthur leaves Corregidor and is flown to Australia. General Jonathan Wainwright becomes the new U.S. commander.
  • WWII Pacific

    WWII Pacific
    Americans land on Luzon Islands. Philippians
  • Bosnia

    Created after World War II break up of Yugoslavia. Josip Tito reunified Yugoslavia.
  • Leading to Vietnam

    Leading to Vietnam
    Ho Chi Minh Creates Provisional Government: Following the surrender of Japan to Allied forces, Ho Chi Minh and his People's Congress create the National Liberation Committee of Vietnam to form a provisional government. Japan transfers all power to Ho's Vietminh. He also declares independence of Vietnam
  • Korea

    Soviet forces complete their occupation of northern Korea, halting their southward advance through the country exactly at the 38th parallel, as agreed at the Potsdam Conference. The Soviets will wait patently for several weeks as the Americans hastily organize their own occupation of southern Korea.
  • Leading to Vietnam

    Leading to Vietnam
    French and Vietminh Reach Accord. France recognizes Vietnam as a "free state" within the French Union. French troops replace Chinese in the North. Negotiations Between French and Vietminh Breakdown. Indochina War Begins
  • Leading to Vietnam

    Leading to Vietnam
    French General Etienne Valluy attempts, and fails, to wipe out the Vietminh in one stroke.
  • Korea

    North Korean leader Kim Il Sung goes to Moscow to ask Soviet leader Josef Stalin's permission to invade South Korea and begin the Korean War. Stalin gives the green light because he believes the United States has little interest in Korea.
  • Korea

    North Korea invades South Korea
  • Korea

    North Korean capital now in UN control
  • Korea

    Truman relieves Macarthur of command
  • Korea

    Negotiation begins at Panmunjon the talk goes on into 1953
  • Leading to Vietnam

    Leading to Vietnam
    Battle of Dienbienphu Begins: A force of 40,000 heavily armed Vietminh lay seige to the French garrison at Dienbienphu. Using Chinese artillery to shell the airstrip, the Vietminh make it impossible for French supplies to arrive
  • Leading to Vietnam

    Leading to Vietnam
    Geneva Convention Agreements Announced, Vietminh General Ta Quang Buu and French General Henri Delteil sign the Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Vietnam. As part of the agreement, a demarcation line is drawn at the 17th parallel which will divide Vietnam until nationwide elections are held in 1956. The United States does not accept the agreement, neither does the government of Bao Dai.
  • Vietnam

    North Vietnam forms Group 559 to begin infiltrating cadres and weapons into South Vietnam via the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The Trail will become a strategic target for future military attacks
  • Vietnam

    Major Dale R. Buis and Master Sargeant Chester M. Ovnand become the first Americans to die in the Vietnam War when guerillas strike at Bienhoa
  • Vietnam

    The first conventional battle of the Vietnam war takes place as American forces clash with North Vietnamese units in the Ia Drang Valley. The US 1st Air Cavalry Division employs its newly enhanced technique of aerial reconnaissance to finally defeat the NVA, heavy casualties are reported on both sides
  • Tet Offensive/ Vietnam

    Tet Offensive/ Vietnam
    70,000 vietnamese and vietcong forces launched the tet offensive, series of fierce attacks on more than 100 cities and towns in South vietnam
  • Mi Lai Massacure/ Vietnam

    Mi Lai Massacure/ Vietnam
    March 16, 1968 soldiers of charlie company went on a search and destroy mission.
  • Vietnam

    period of debate and discussion, North Vietnamese and American negotiators agree on a location and start date of peace talks.
  • Hamburger Hill/ Vietnam

    Hamburger Hill/ Vietnam
    Soldiers said it was a human meat grinder, 10 attempts to take the hill and secured it on May 20th, abandoned the hill on June 5th
  • Woodstock/ Vietnam

    Woodstock/ Vietnam
    A four day festival about music, drugs and sex created by four guys to help raise money for a recording studio
  • Kent State University/ Vietnam

    Kent State University/ Vietnam
    4 kids killed at the Kent state university, they where protesting about the war
  • Operation Lam Son 719/ Vietnam

    Operation Lam Son 719/ Vietnam
    South Vietnamese army forces invade Southern Laos
  • Operation desert Storm/ Persian Gulf

    Operation desert Storm/ Persian Gulf
    Hussein delivers a speech and he accuses Kuwait of taking crude oil, demands their foreign debt be taken care of, conspiracy to keep oil prices low, says Kuwait is not a "real" country
  • Desert storm begins/ Persian Gulf

    Desert storm begins/ Persian Gulf
    Operation desert storm begins, Norman Schwarzkopf used stealth bombers, cruise missiles, smart bombs and night bombing equipment
  • Operation Dessert Shield/ Persian Gulf

    Operation Dessert Shield/ Persian Gulf
    Iraq had 300,000 troops in Kuwait. Hussein declares Holy War. United Nations gives them Until January 15, 1991 to withdraw.
  • Desert storm attack/ Persian Gulf

    Desert storm attack/ Persian Gulf
    It was 42 days of attack, February 28th was cease fire
  • Somalia

    An ongoing civil war. In 1991 the dictator Mohammed Siad Barre is forced to flee when the capital of Mogadishu is captured
  • Independence/ Persian Gulf

    Independence/ Persian Gulf
    Solvenia and Croatia declare their independence from Yugoslavia, it begins a civil war. Solvenia wins it's battle with Milosevic, now Milosevic focuses on Croatia.
  • Bosnia

    The war was part of the breakup of Yugoslavia, passed a referendum of independence on February 29, 1992
  • Somalia

    350, 000 Somalis die of disease, starvation, or civil war. President George H.W. Bush orders emergency airlifts of food and supplies to Somalia
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    One day before former President George Bush was to arrive in Kuwait, 14 arrests made for plotting to assassinate him; Washington says plot organized by Iraqi intelligence.
  • Somalia

    Somali rebels shoot down two U.S. helicopters, resulting in the death of 18 U.S. Army Rangers and one Malaysian man. A heated battle ensues and hundreds of Somali civilians are killed.
  • Bosnia

    Majority of the country is Muslim. Milosevic attacks Sarajevo which is the capital city. Sarajevo attacks and kills 68 and 200 more wounded.
  • Somalia

    The U.S. formally ends the mission to Somalia, which has cost $1.7 billion dollars and left 43 U.S. soldiers dead and another 153 wounded
  • William Clinton/ Bosnia

    William Clinton/ Bosnia
    He promises to end "ethnic cleansing" Muslim safe havens are created, they got attacked.
  • Peace Bosnia

    Peace Bosnia
    Milosevic wants to talk about peace. Wright Patterson Air Force Base, he agreed to: Democratic elections, Muslim-Croat Federation, war criminals be handed over for prosecution, 30 men where prosecuted for war crimes.
  • United States attempts to end genocide Bosnia

    United States attempts to end genocide Bosnia
    The republic of Bosnia- Heregovina has three main ethinc groups in conflict: Serbs, Croats, Muslims. It ends with a genocide committed by Serbs against Muslims in Bosnia.
  • Somalia

    Somalis suffer heavily under Mohamed Farah Aideed’s reign and from subsequent fighting among warlords. Hussein Farah Aideed takes over after his father’s assassination.
  • Somalia

    Ethiopian forces invade and capture the regional capital of Garba Harre, which lies 250 miles northwest of Mogadishu, in order to try to suppress fighting among rebel groups.