559 BCE
Cyrus The Great begins conquering
538 BCE
Cyrus allows Jews back into Jerusalem.
530 BCE
Cyrus dies. Cambyses takes his place
525 BCE
Cambyses conquers Egypt
522 BCE
Cambyses dies
521 BCE
Darius becomes king
521 BCE
Darius expands the Persian Empire
485 BCE
Darius dies/ Xerxes becomes king of Persia
480 BCE
Xerxes invades Greece and wins the battle of Thermoplyae
479 BCE
The Greeks defeat the Persians at the battle of Platae and expel the Persians from Europe.
404 BCE
Artaxerxes ll Mnemon becomes king of Persia and loses Egypt
330 BCE
Alexander The Great conquers Persia and destroys Persepolis, ending the Persian dynasty.