
  • 450


    the athenians mount successful attacks on the Persian forces accupying the greek island of cypus
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    fathor of history

    fathor of history
    herodoyus, the father of history, writes his account of the greco- persian wars from a vantage point asia minor
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    the athenian general cimon wins a victory over the persians at the mouth of the eurymedon river, in southwest turky
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    Delain League

    Delain League
    Repesentatives of athens and other aegean city-states meet in delos to form a coalition, later known as the delian league
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    cyrus annexes

    cyrus annexes
    Cyrusannexes the Greek territory of Ionia as part of his empire, giveing Persia a Persia a presence on the aegrean
  • Greek

    the Greek cities of Ionia rebel against Persian rule, with the partial support of athens
  • greek island

    greek island
    the Persian fleet secures the Greek Island of Euboea befor making the short crossing to marathon on the mainland- ware they wait for the greeks
  • victory

    at Marathon the thenian hoplest, heavily outnumbered, win a spectaular victory against the persians- of whom the survivors escape in their ships
  • Athenians

    Themistocles persuades the athenians to build up their fleet against the threat from Persia
  • Xerxes

    Xerxes, renewing the campaign of his father Darius against the greeek, leads a larg aemy round the aegean and through thrace
  • 300

    300 Spartans, led by die, attempting to hold the pass of Thermopylae against the advancing Persian army
  • persian rule

    persian rule
    In the last joint campain by sparta an athens the strategically important city of byzantium is liberated from persian rule
  • Peace

    in the peace of kalllias the persians acknowledge the independence of greek ionia, and agree not to bring their fleet into the aegean
  • recover

    After six years the Persians recover control of Ionia, but Athens is now idenified as a target for invasion
  • Darious

    Darius sends a fleet a cross the aegean, carrying a large armey of infantry for an attack on Athens
  • Spartan army

    a spartan army led by pausanias, wins a victory at Platea, completing the rout of the Persian on the Greek mainland