• Actual Events: Iran Plans to Modernize

    "The Shah embarks on a campaign to modernize and westernize the country. He launches the 'White Revolution', a programme of land reform and social and economic modernization. During the late 1960's the Shah became increasingly dependent on the secret police (SAVAK) in controlling those opposition movements critical of his reforms."
  • World Events:

    Israel gain territory in 1967 war
  • World Events:

    Sweden adopts the constitution
  • World Events:

    Bangladesh wins independence
  • Actual Events: Shah's Policies

    "The Shah's policies alienated the clergy and his authoritarian rule leads to riots, strikes and mass demonstrations. Martial law is imposed." (BBC)
  • Book: Revolution

    The Islamic Revolution took place which destroyed many families and was a turning point for how society would be run in future years. Many Iranian people were terrorized by all of the social norms that were being established to control women acts in particular.
  • Actual Events: Exile and Return

    "As the political situation deteriorates, the Shah and his family are forced into exile. The Islamic fundamentalist, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, returns to Iran following 14 years of exile in Iraq and France for opposing the regime."
  • Actual Events: Islamic Republic

    "As the political situation deteriorates, the Shah and his family are forced into exile."(BBC)
  • Actual Events: Hostages

    Islamic militants take 52 Americans hostage inside the US embassy in Tehran. The Iran hostage crisis was a diplomatic stalemate between Iran and the United States. American diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981.
  • Book: The Influence

    The Revolution had the impact that school girls as a result had to wear the "veil" as mandatory uniform. Women were no longer allowed to be free due to the fact that society had changed to capitalism.
  • Book: Chaotic Protestants

    Protestants had weapons such as knives and bats and turned wild as the result of controversial scarves or the "veil". Knives were used to stab those who fought as a result of misunderstandings while the protest.
  • Book: Immediate Migration

    People started to rush and flee northward due to the Iraqi missiles that were being sent unknowingly. People were finding exits from all of the chaos that was inevitable and hopeless. As a results, all the borders in town were targeted by bombers.
  • Book: The Entente?

    "Iraqi proposed a settlement, and Saudi Arabia was willing to pay for the reconstruction to restore peace to the area".
  • Actual Events: Iran-Iraq War

    The beginning of the Iran-Iraq war which lasts for eight years. The war was an armed conflict between Iran and Iraq when Iraq invaded Iran, cost billions of dollars in damages and cost millions of lives, but had no real benefit to either side. It ended on August 20, 1988.
  • World Events:

    Indonesia returns to democracy
  • World Events:

    "O Canada" became the official national anthem
  • Actual Events: Hostage release

    The American hostages were finally released ending 444 days in captivity. January 20, 1981.
  • Book: The Outer Journey

    Marjane is sent to Europe, Austria in specific, to avoid all fot he chaos that is taking place with the protests back in Iran. Marjane finds the difference in peoples habits compared to the way she was raised. She notices that young people party and experiences what is like to be in a relationship.
  • Actual Events: Agreement between the US and Iran

    " After the US and Soviet Union halted arms supplies, the US attempted to win the release of hostages in Lebanon by offering secret arms deals, this would later become known as the Iran-Contra affair." (BBC).
  • Actual Events: Ceasefire

    Iran accepts a ceasefire agreement with Iraq following negotiations in Geneva under the support of the UN.
  • Book: The Influential Truth

    Marjane's father explains to her that the west has been selling weapons to both camps (opposing sides) which leads to the conclusion that Iran shouldn't have gotten itself in the situation since it was set up already. Iran should have been aware of all of the flaws in themselves before putting themselves out to be opposed and unsafe.
  • Book: Bombings

    Iraq began bombing Tehran which lead to the disruption of peace and armed groups to fight against the Islamic regime. The Iranian Mujahideen entered the country to help liberate Iran from the fundamental leaders.
  • Actual Events: Iran and Iraq Relationship

    Iran remains neutral following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, which did have a strong impact on relations with many other regional countries. It also influences severe tensions between Iran and Iraq and later on both sides begin to pursue diplomatic ties.
  • Book: Back Home

    Marjane comes back to Iran and relives her life she becomes a student at the University of Tehran, and she starts to make friends who to her are composed as polar opposites. They are model citizens in public, giving the regime no excuse to harass them, but in private they are vigorous individuals, throwing parties nearly every night. One night they threw a party, which ends in a tragedy when one friend ends up falling to his death while trying to escape the Guardians of the Revolution.
  • Book: End

    Marjane realizes that she cannot continue to live in such a society where it's dangerous and doesn't get anything out of, so after spending quality time with her loved ones, she leaves Iran once again, this time to France.
  • World Events:

    England hands Hong Kong over to China