Persecution of the Jehovah Witnesses

  • Reichstag fire decree

    Reichstag fire decree
    This law gave the government complete power of what news and information they wanted spread or published. If people choose to publish information on their own, advertise, or assemble and present information, the government could arrest these individuals. They could also get rid of any political organizations that they didn’t like and censor all published material in the news, newspapers, magazines, billboards, pamphlets, etc.
  • Mandatory military service

    Mandatory military service
    This law was created by the German Government. This law took away the right for Jews to serve in the Military. Jehovah’s they didn’t want to join the Military
  • Jehovah's witness organization banned

    The government banned bible and tract societyThis band is when Jehovah witnesses started to violate the law against practicing their religion and they continued to practice their religion. It also was the start of them refusing to support Hitler and his ways. Because of this, they faced imprisonment or harsh treatment if caught.
  • Burning of un german books

    People burned books that didn’t talk positive about the Germans. Books were burned that didn’t agree with the Nazi viewpoint. Therefore, people were not able to read material that they wanted nor were they able to get correct information.
  • Hitler becomes fuhrer

    There were no limits or restraints on Hitler’s authority. Germany became a complete dictatorship.With the support of the German military,Hitler became the new president of Germany, in addition
    to being chancellor. He was able to make any law or rule he wanted.
  • Law for the protection of German blood

    People who are Jewish can only marry Jews.They can't marry anybody that is not a Jew.The Jews and non jews could not marry. Even if they wanted to, they would face harsh punishment if caught.
  • First prisoners arrive at auschwitz

    The SS opened a large concentration camp near the town of Oswiecim to be killed in mass shootings and worked to death. It was the biggest concentration camp in the country.
  • Mass murder at chelmo

    To carry out the mass murder of Europe's Jews, the SS established killing centers devoted exclusively or primarily to the destruction of human beings in gas chambers. Chelmno was among these killing centers. At least 172,000 people were killed at chelmno
  • Operation reinhard begins

    Operation Reinhard was the code name for murdering about 2 million Jews in German-occupied Poland. The Nazis began planning the operation in 1941. It was named after Reinhard Heydrich, the leader of the office responsible organizing murders and cases. He was later assassinated in 1942. Reinhard Heydrich (the leader if the office), and the Jews
  • Announcement death penalty for aiding jews

    It affected them by not being able to help Jews in hiding, or if you were a jew in hiding, you would be sentenced to death, same if you were hiding them