persecution of people of germany

  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    Reichstag Fire Decree
    This law was put into place by President von Hindenburg. This law took away freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right for people to assemble. This meant that the government now could control what was being published to citizens of Germany. It takes away the freedom of having speech.
  • Enabling act

    Enabling act
    Hitler could make anything a law without having to check with other people. This means that Hitler had the power. It affected how they lived for the rest of their lives
  • Burning of un-german book

    Burning of un-german book
    People burned books that didn’t talk positive about the Germans.
  • Law for the protection of german blood and honor

    Law for the protection of german blood and honor
    People who are Jewish can only marry Jews.They can't marry anybody that is not a Jew. It broke up familes
  • Hitlar becomes fuhrer

    Hitlar becomes fuhrer
    There were no limits or restraints on Hitler’s authority. Germany became a complete dictatorship.
  • Racial Definition Explained

    Racial Definition Explained
    The people who had two or less jewish grandparents would be a mixed race, and people who had three or more jewish grandparents were a full jew. Some people had different consequences depending on their race.
  • Nazi soviet pact

    Nazi soviet pact
    In August of 1939,German anti semitic propaganda linked jews with communism and depicted the Soviet Union.Despite this, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a secret pact, vowing not to attack each other for 10 years.
  • Announcement of death penalty for aiding jews

    Announcement of death penalty for aiding jews
    Anyone who was caught helping a jew would be sent to Poland for a death penalty