Persecution of Jews

  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    Hitler could make anything a law without having to check with other people. This means that Hitler had the power. because he could now makelaws and hurt them
  • Sterilization Law

    Sterilization Law
    People who have disabilities were sterilized
    Who was targeted by the Law: People with physical or mental disabilities. Because they were killing innocent people
  • Press Censorship Law

    Press Censorship Law
    The jews were forbidden from working in journalism. They weren't allowed to be journalists.
  • Law Against “Criminals”

    Law Against “Criminals”
    In 1930’s Germany, the German Government passed a Law stating every person the Nazis deem unfit for society to be sent to a concentration camps.
    Even if the jews didn’t do anything they would be sent away and blamed for something they didn’t do.
  • Jehovah’s Witness Organization Banned

    Jehovah’s Witness Organization Banned
    The government banned the watchtower bible and tract society for Jehovah people.
  • Mandatory Military Service

    Mandatory Military Service
    After May 1935, soldiers that were drafted from the far had to prove they were "Aryan". The Jewish people were forbidden to serve in the military. The Jehovah's Witnesses refused to serve in the military.
  • Tyler Revision of Paragraph 175

    Tyler Revision of Paragraph 175
    Homosexuality was forbidden in any shape or form.
  • Racial Definitions Explained

    Racial Definitions Explained
    If Germans who had descendants from one or two Jewish grandparents were called a mixed race. And if they had two or more jewish descendants they were considered jews.
  • Anti-Jewish Economy Law

    Anti-Jewish Economy Law
    Prohibited jews from owning businesses or engaging in trade
  • Euthanasia Decree

    Euthanasia Decree
    The Euthanasia Decree was the first program of mass murder.
  • Alfred Wodl

    Alfred Wodl
    He was murderd for being disabled