Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany, orders people to turn customers away from Jewish shops, victimized Jews by smashing windows. Boycott included Jewish lawyers and doctors all over Germany. All Jews holding government jobs were fired, teacher fires, actors and musicians not allowed to play in public -
Banned from Pubic Places
Jews were banned from playing fields, pools, cafes, public places – placards with “Jews forbidden” -
Nuremberg Laws
Jews are denied the basic right of German citizenship – subjects not citizens. Could not vote or hold office. Jews were forbidden to join army. Protection of German Blood and Honor banned marriages between Jews and Aryans, and any sexual relations were forbidden. -
Professionals banned
Professional activities of Jews were restricted –which affected people like dentists, vets, accountants, nurses etc. -
Business confiscated
Jewish businesses confiscated -
More Restrictions
Jewish children were excluded from German schools and universities. Jews with non-Jewish names had to use Israel for males and Sarah for females. All had red letter J stamped on passports. Jewish doctors, dentists and lawyers not allowed to treat or work for Aryans. Jews banned from concerts, theaters, museums and sports fields. Jews had to register property. Jews no longer allowed to run shops or businesses. -
Kristallnacht - Night of Broken Glass
German mobs attacked Jews, broke shops, synagogues burned and demolished, 91 Jews killed, 20,000 arrested. Germans were afraid to protest. Jewish community ordered to pay a huge fine.