persecution of Jews

  • Burning of the "un German " books

    Burning of the "un German " books
    People burned books that didn’t talk positive about the Germans
    It took away the Jew history and took away anything that had the positive stuff about Jews so that people would keep thinking bad about them.
  • Civil service law

    Civil service law
    The Law removed Jews and Political opponents of the Nazis from civil service positions, including school, university, and government jobs.
    It showed persecution to the jews by not being able to do jobs and then they can’t make money and support their parents. It also takes their ability to be a part of society.
  • Education law

    Education law
    The law started that Jewish students could be no more than 5% of the student population of any public school or university
    It takes the jews ability to learn and be with others and to be treated differently.
  • Press censorship law

    Press censorship law
    The German Propaganda Ministry kept registries of “racially pure” editors and journalists. New reporters had to register and show they were not Jewish
    The jews were persecuted by not being shown as reporters and that being a jew is a bad thing.
  • Mandatory military service law

    Mandatory military service law
    This law was created by the German Government. This law took away the right for Jews to serve in the Military. It takes their abilities to serve for their own country and cuts them off from their own country.
  • Law for the protection of German blood and honor

    Law for the protection of German blood and honor
    People who are Jewish can only marry Jews.They can't marry anybody that is not a Jew.
    It literally is taking their ability to love. If you fell in love and it was a Jew the Jew would probably have to suffer not the person who was in love with the Jew. You should be able to love who you want to love.
  • Evian conference on refugees

    Evian conference on refugees
    Jews from Europe were trying to immigrate to other countries. Leaders from 32 countries met to discuss whether they should admit the refugees. Some said they would allow them in while others said no.
    They wouldn’t let Jews leave the country so they could be killed.
  • Polish Jews deported from Germany

    Polish Jews deported from Germany
    Nazi Germany expelled about 17,000 jews from Germany in 1938.
    They were killing them and separating families forever!
  • Kristallnacht attack

    Kristallnacht attack
    The German Government declared an attack on Jewish Businesses, homes, and synagogues. 30,000 jews men and boys were arrested and sent to concentration camps
    They would be killed at concentration camps or work. They would have little to eat.
  • First kindertransport arrives

    First kindertransport arrives
    the desperation of the jewish parents they would send their children to live in children's homes, like foster care distant relatives in great britain and to also hoping they would refuge from nazi persecution.
    The nazi forced families to separate to keep the kids safe.